Hi all,
I have taken on a two year old cat in the past and my other cats would not take to her to the extent that she ran away and ended up living with another neighbour for many years and ended up more feral than anything, so its not really a case of wanting the newness cutie factor of a kitten its the fact that in my 33 year experience of cat owning a kitten is usually accepted by the remaining bunch fairly quickly. Another fully grown cat is not and its not an experience I would like to repeat as I worried for months before the cat turned up safely. I actually prefer a cat once its got out of its kitten stage and settles down a bit as they can be wearing!
I have never let my cats have kittens or produce kittens, take them to be done as soon as the time is right. There are way too many homeless cats and I would love to have a big mansion and a bigger purse to take them all on but the sad thing s I can only do my bit - and having lost Max I feel I can afford and take care of another puss.
Having said that - I have been ringing and ringing since half one and getting no reply to fetch my Puss - its probably just me getting anxious as I did nt stipulate a time to collect him and said I would ring first. Silly are nt I but I cant settle!! Just dying to fetch him. Jan x