Hi all,
Sorry didn't update. Been exhausted and recuperating from the stressful days I spent tending two ailing parents..who love to fight and bicker constantly as well

Mom made it through fine, just in pain. Dad is much more stable but is to be kept on close watch for any recurring fluid in the lungs/heart. His dialysis will be scheduled soon enough. I worry about him as he's a bit in denial and assures us he can drive..and sometimes he could but other times I was gripping the railings clenching my teeth. I worry he'll get in an accident but he's a very stubborn man and did not appreciate suggestions to not drive...sigh.
Was pretty much their chef, housemaid, chaueffer, and therapist/referee and even though I've been home since Friday night, I'm only now starting to feel myself again, lol.
Doesn't help they are struggling to keep their heads above water in bills. Their mortgage is simply too high and even with my Mom working they are not making the bills. She'd like to downsize but Dad is adamant about finding a way to keep that house. I wish he wasn't so stubborn. They don't need a house so large and I don't think my Mom is well enough to work enough hours to cover the mortgage. Ah, old stubborn man.. and then my mom calls and vents to me about it. Of course I feel torn in a tug of war. Don't want to take sides..puts me in a tough spot and they don't seem to understand the toll it takes on me as they take turns complaining about each other while all the while both their health is not so great. Sheesh.