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30-01-2011, 03:53 PM   #31

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Ive been wondering for the past 24 hours i hope they sign in & update us .....soon.....

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JBalways2000's Avatar
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30-01-2011, 06:25 PM   #32

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Sorry all for the late update-i rang the vets yesterday midday and then we were out until the evening and then i wasnt feeling well

It wasnt the best conversation to be honest. They told me no that he hasnt been claimed and that at this point they doubt the owners will come forward. then they went on to say that they have a few homes lined up despite knowing we were interested in him They told me they dont think he would settle as an indoor cat because, and i quote"He scratches at the window and watches the birds" Well Rhino sometimes rubs the window and all of ours like watching the birds but does that mean they would be happier outdoors? i think the fact that they run the oppposite direction when the doors are open answers that question.

She basically said she has a home lined up for him where he will be able to go outdoors, have friends and the owner has a back garden. Im just so annoyed because why does anyone else even know about him when he cant legally be rehomed until Tuesday?

I spent yesterday feeling very upset and today i am angry Part of me thinks to just let it go and atleast it sounds like he has a decent home lined up and thats obviously better then he had. And then the other part of me wants to try and fight to get him-what should we do? Do we even have a chance if this lady is already obviously hoping he will go to this other home? I doubt we have any legal right over him but i would have thought the fact that we were the ones that found him and said we would definately be interested in adopting him if his owners didnt come forward would be enough.

It also annoyed me as i felt we done the responsible thing handing him over rather then keep him here and introducing him to our boys just for him to be claimed and upset ourselves and them. Not to mention that he will need a blood test to make sure he isnt carrying anything that can be passed on. But this lady actually said to me "well next time a cat follows you home just keep him" She said this with a laugh a couple of times and as i said it got to me because i thought we were doing the right thing bringing him to them.

As i said i went along with what she was saying on the phone because i wasnt sure how i felt about it at the time, but now im pretty angry. Should we just leave it be and let him go a new home and hope he will be looked after properly this time?(assuming the lady i spoke with is the practice manager i would also assume any home she had lined up would be decent) Or do i ring back on monday and argue my case and try and get the little guy?

We are just so torn on what the right thing to do is. Id really really appreciate some help and opinions on this and any advice on what we or indeed if there is anything we can do if we decide to fight for him?

Kazz:Yes we have some piccies that im dying to share, he is a stunner of a kittie. They put him about 6 months old when we brought him to the vets. And yes in this area we are assuming he was either an unwanted christmas present or excess litter that wasnt sold Not a single poster or leaflet has gone up for him.

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30-01-2011, 06:32 PM   #33

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Oh!!! How horrid! And why do people assume that all cats Have to be outdoors cats, and cannot be trained otherwise???

I honestly cannot advise you on the best way to act. You're going to just have to go with what you feel I think. Think on it over night, and if you're no happier about the situation then I guess it worthwhile ringing up - at least to register your disappointment that they said one thing and then did another.


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30-01-2011, 07:10 PM   #34

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by Squirrel
Oh!!! How horrid! And why do people assume that all cats Have to be outdoors cats, and cannot be trained otherwise???

I honestly cannot advise you on the best way to act. You're going to just have to go with what you feel I think. Think on it over night, and if you're no happier about the situation then I guess it worthwhile ringing up - at least to register your disappointment that they said one thing and then did another.

Thankyou for that. I try not to judge anyone who lets their cats outdoors and i know there are plenty of responsible loving owners that do let their cats out, but i hate being judged for keeping mine in. When i spoke with her on wednesday she asked me why i kept my boys in-I did feel like i was being judged a little and felt like saying why not? In the end i just said i wasnt comfortable with letting them out around my area. Im wondering if this is why she has another home lined up because she doesnt agree with cats being kept indoors Either way i might still ring up tomorrow even just as you say to express my annoyance at not being given first choice-after all if we hadnt saved him from the street and brought him up there they wouldnt have known a thing about him. I guess that will teach me for trying to be a responsible owner

One thing i will say is that i really believe we wouldnt have a problem keeping him indoors-he was so eager to get into our house when the door was opened monday night and then all he wanted was to fill his belly and curl up on a nice warm lap. When we brought him out in the carrier to the vets the next day he HATED it-and not just because he didnt want to be in the carrier as he had been using it for his bed that night and seemed calm being brought down the stairs, but as soon as he heard all the noises outdoors and a car would go past or the trains were going past at the station he was really freaking out. We told them that at the vets too, so i really do feel like the lady that took him home is being judgemental towards us for keeping ours in and that this is what has changed her mind on letting us have him if he isnt claimed. The lady and nurse that we actually saw at the vets also told us that if he isnt claimed we could just adopt him through them so you have to wonder what changed

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30-01-2011, 07:38 PM   #35

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

I think, although i could be wrong, the lady that took him home may be the "home they have lined up for him" hence the reason she does not seem keen to give him back. She may have fell for him when you took him in. When initially you said on tbe forum someone had taken him home i must admit thats what i thought at the time especially as you say he is a particularly lovely wee chap.

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30-01-2011, 07:48 PM   #36

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by Velvet
I think, although i could be wrong, the lady that took him home may be the "home they have lined up for him" hence the reason she does not seem keen to give him back. She may have fell for him when you took him in. When initially you said on tbe forum someone had taken him home i must admit thats what i thought at the time especially as you say he is a particularly lovely wee chap.
I guess its a possibilty, but then thats even more upsetting that she would lie? I would have felt much better about the whole thing if she had said he'd settled in well with her and she had fell inlove with him so he would be staying with her if the owners didnt claim him. To be honest though when i was saying things like, oh he is such a sweetie and we really miss him etc she wasnt really responding and i would expect someone who had fell inlove with him to be agreeing with me? Infact the only thing she actually said about him was that "he is a handful" and she didnt explain what she meant by that, she didnt say anything nice about him at all I dont know, im just pretty angry at how its all happened. You think you are doing the right thing and then you are made to feel like your not by the people that you think would commend you for being responsible. I guess it doesnt help that i really do miss the little guy and i was close to tears yesterday thinking that i wouldnt ever see him again I cant even kick myself for not keeping him with us because i know we did the right thing for all the reasons i have already said. It just seems so unfair that we arent even being given the choice on whether we would like to rehome him or not and i dont know if we even have a right to argue to get him back.

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30-01-2011, 08:57 PM   #37

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

This is heart-wrenching JB. IMO you should at least register your complaint with the practice manager or even the senior partner.

The thing you should stress was that you were told that you could have him if he wasn't claimed by his owners.

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JBalways2000's Avatar
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30-01-2011, 10:26 PM   #38

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Originally Posted by angieh
This is heart-wrenching JB. IMO you should at least register your complaint with the practice manager or even the senior partner.

The thing you should stress was that you were told that you could have him if he wasn't claimed by his owners.
Thanks Angie. I just cant stop thinking about the whole situation and i cant decide what is for the best. A big part of me really wants this little guy and its really upsetting me that even if i ring up and argue my point that they will probably still stand by the decision they have made Another part of me is wondering if i should just leave it be. Im worried that I'll take him on and he wont get on with my boys and then we will have to look for a new home anyway. I know thats unlikely, with him being a kitten he will probably just go with it and get put in his place but it does worry me. Im also worried that we take him on and have a blood test done to make sure all is ok before him mixing with my boys and something comes back and again he will need to be rehomed again. Its driving me a bit crazy actually. My heart is telling me to ring up and fight for him and try and get him back because i keep getting so upset when i think about not seeing him again, but then all the worries i just mentioned come to mind and i start wondering if i should just leave it be. I wish it had been as simple as them saying we are able to adopt him and requesting a blood test taken now before bringing him home, that would have been perfect. Why do things never work out the way you want them to?

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30-01-2011, 11:17 PM   #39

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Oh, dear. Well, I suppose you have your answer about that office Whoever you spoke with sounds immature; I wonder if other staff would respond to you that way too or it's just her..
I would try to put my emotions aside when you talk to them and clearly state that you really had fell for this little guy and you actually thought you were being responsible letting them handle it to make sure you weren't robbing someone of their kitten and the only reason you left him there was you were just already getting so attached and you weren't sure if he had an owner or not yet..
They are horrid but if you really want him back it'll be better to talk to them that way. Maybe go in person so they can see you really mean it. Tell them about your recent loss and how you haven't been able to stop thinking about him and you were sad to hear he had another home lined up. I'd definitely do it tomorrow before any new home shows up. If it doesn't work you can know in your heart you tried and you made your feelings clear.
About him not working out--I am SURE you could find him a home easily if you had to. He sounds charming and I'm not impressed with their rehoming tactics to be honest.
What I'm saying is, make your appeal. Try to get him first, worry about if he'll stay with you later. I don't think it'll be hard to place him if it weren't to work out. And leave that place and don't look back when you're done. Just my two cents.

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30-01-2011, 11:27 PM   #40

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Well as you feel so strongly, you could ring them up. Ask to speak to the vet you originally saw, tell him/her how upset you are & say you want an explanation - in writing.

If you get him you could tell them you prefer to take him to another vet for the blood tests & cut links with them that way.

A big hug from us & hope it works out for you.

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