latest update, not good realy but Tuppence is still with us.
Returned from holidays last sunday, tuppence ok but lump has grown. we watched her carefuly all week, it's not easy for her to go to the toilet but she is managing, the lump is breaking down and a bit smelly, Every morning she is by her food dish crying for food, she's eating less so i'm offering small amounts. On the examination table she was so alert and interested in her surroundings that the vet feels she is not yet unhappy with life. He did say he could operate but feels she is likely to die under anaesthetic. He said he would pts if we wanted or we can leave things as they are. Howard asked what he would do and he suggested leaving things as they are for now. She is on ab's and we will just have to take each day as it comes.
Yesterday Howard took her to the vets and we both believed that it was the end. Despite the lump