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05-06-2009, 04:36 PM   #31

Re: Another newbie! -neutropenia

If he has FIV, I personally think it would be unfair to allow him out as his immunity would be lowered, but he can also infect other cats. It would be irresponsible as far as i'm concerned. This is the reason most CPL branches PTS cats who have FIV, its because they should be kept inside and most people won't do it. Our own vets are very against keeping FIV cats and they were only happy to let me take Tabatha because they trust me to keep her in.
I have lots of indoor cats, who were outdoor- 2 semi feral ones- they need to be kept in for health reasons and they have all settled very well to it.
Try a feliway diffuser it might help calm him while he gets used to his new lifestyle.

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05-06-2009, 09:26 PM   #32

Re: Another newbie! -neutropenia

Poor kitty has been through an awful lot to have FIV confirmed. I am not an expert but I cannt understand why your vet has put the poor animal through two bone marrow biopsies to get that diagnosis. Surely the blood tests would have been enough, even the in-house ones ( I know they can produce false possitives but false negatives are extremely rare, as far as I know.)
I wouldnt be letting him outdoors but there is the possibility of buyi9ng or making a cat run for him, maybe even cat proof your garden...

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05-06-2009, 09:41 PM   #33

Re: Another newbie! -neutropenia

Sorry to hear that it has been confirmed that Sol has FIV. I hope that you are able to find some way to give him some outdoor access although it is advisable not to let him have any contact with other cats due to the risk of infection.
Like Elaine, I'm still unsure as to why your vet recommended carrying out a bone marrow biopsy in order to confirm the condition as it is usually easily confirmed by a PCR blood screen.

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