Sorry all for the late update-i rang the vets yesterday midday and then we were out until the evening and then i wasnt feeling well
It wasnt the best conversation to be honest. They told me no that he hasnt been claimed and that at this point they doubt the owners will come forward. then they went on to say that they have a few homes lined up despite knowing we were interested in him

They told me they dont think he would settle as an indoor cat because, and i quote"He scratches at the window and watches the birds"

Well Rhino sometimes rubs the window and all of ours like watching the birds but does that mean they would be happier outdoors? i think the fact that they run the oppposite direction when the doors are open answers that question.
She basically said she has a home lined up for him where he will be able to go outdoors, have friends and the owner has a back garden. Im just so annoyed because why does anyone else even know about him when he cant legally be rehomed until Tuesday?
I spent yesterday feeling very upset and today i am angry

Part of me thinks to just let it go and atleast it sounds like he has a decent home lined up and thats obviously better then he had. And then the other part of me wants to try and fight to get him-what should we do? Do we even have a chance if this lady is already obviously hoping he will go to this other home? I doubt we have any legal right over him but i would have thought the fact that we were the ones that found him and said we would definately be interested in adopting him if his owners didnt come forward would be enough.
It also annoyed me as i felt we done the responsible thing handing him over rather then keep him here and introducing him to our boys just for him to be claimed and upset ourselves and them. Not to mention that he will need a blood test to make sure he isnt carrying anything that can be passed on. But this lady actually said to me "well next time a cat follows you home just keep him"

She said this with a laugh a couple of times and as i said it got to me because i thought we were doing the right thing bringing him to them.
As i said i went along with what she was saying on the phone because i wasnt sure how i felt about it at the time, but now im pretty angry. Should we just leave it be and let him go a new home and hope he will be looked after properly this time?(assuming the lady i spoke with is the practice manager i would also assume any home she had lined up would be decent) Or do i ring back on monday and argue my case and try and get the little guy?
We are just so torn on what the right thing to do is. Id really really appreciate some help and opinions on this and any advice on what we or indeed if there is anything we can do if we decide to fight for him?
Kazz:Yes we have some piccies that im dying to share, he is a stunner of a kittie. They put him about 6 months old when we brought him to the vets. And yes in this area we are assuming he was either an unwanted christmas present or excess litter that wasnt sold

Not a single poster or leaflet has gone up for him.