Hi Ange

like Dawn I have been summoned by Kazz. I am a cat person too, Siamese for preference but I haven't had cats for a while though my son has two rescue kittens Edith and Olive .
You wanted to know about Schnauzers. I don't known an awful lot about Standards and Giants, I would say the former are much like Minis only bigger, the latter can be very strong willed and because of their size can be a handful. I do know a bit about Minis though having had them for 45 years. I will post detailed information about them from the breed section on Dogsey below, the picture on there is my old Mini Amy, she was about 15 at the time and sadly is no loner with us.
Minis are intriguing little dogs full of Character. I find them easy to train but one should take into account they were among other things bred for ratting and some of the breed have retained a strong prey drive. My current Mini for instance will chase anything which moves including birds which fly over the garden, so it can take a lot of work to get a good recall with a Mini.
The puppy I have at the moment Chloe is just over a year old and great company but quite strong minded and bossy . I will give you an example, she likes to take the door mat and put it in the middle of the kitchen then pile her toys on top, if I move them she will put them back instantly . If she can't reach a toy at the bottom of her toy box because other things are on top of it she will get quite frustrated and growl and toys will be thrown everywhere until I get the desired toy out for her or she manages to reach it herself . When she is playing with Zac the Springer she always want the toy he is playing with and once she has acquired it and he has moved onto something else she must have that toy also . She likes her breakfast at 7:30 and if I am not up she will put her head on the bed and make exaggerated pretend yawning noises and if that fails a low growling noise until I go and get her food .Chloe is also very affectionate and loves to put her head on my shoulder to nuzzle in and be cuddled
Minis don't shed their coats and I challenge anyone to find a single dog hair in my house, however this means they do need trimming every 8 weeks to keep them looking smart and preferably they should be hand stripped not clipped.
Most breeds have some health problems, the main one in Minis being eye conditions. I have never had a problem with this and providing a puppy is obtained from a good breeder who tests their dogs there should be no problem. To find a good breeder contact the Secretary of The Miniature Schnauzer Club and she will be able to provide you with a list of breeders some of whom may have puppies (the ones with asterisks) or may know of people with litters due.
Expect a wait for a puppy, good breeders are very choosy where their puppies go and most have a waiting list.
As with any dog taking on a Mini is a big commitment and not unlike having a small child in the house particularly for the first year. After a year or so it does get a bit easier in that a dog is usually trained by than and a bit less demanding. Minis are a quite long lived breed and many live to around 16 so the commitment can last many years.
Good luck whatever breed you decide to take if any