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07-08-2006, 10:00 PM   #41

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Dinahsmum - A honest straightforward person. Someone who'd I'd want to sit next to during a plane crash as I think she would be marvelous and calm in a crisis I hope. Someone who I think would be a perfect host for gardeners world - allotment addition. A lady who has a sense of humour. Plus and a big plus she has a Staffie can't say anything nicer to say about someone than that 'Staffie owner'

Moli - A lady I would be happy to live next door too, a lady who loves her family, animals and home. Almost a saint - with a wicked sense of humour and a Staffie or two as the icing on the cake.

Dandysmom - One of the nicest people I have 'met' on the net, honest and straighforward. Never a nasty word spoken about anyone.

Borderdawn - Common sense is something a lot of people are gifted with, yet Dawn uses hers. Practical, sensible and stout pair of walking shoes . Seriously Dawn strikes me as someone with a sense of humor and love of life.

EmmaG - A very talented and artistic lady, one of those people I would be proud to call a friend. Strong mided and straightforward.

Kim - Simple a nice lady. What more can you say oh yes, plain speaking and defender of the underdog. With a sense of humour that errs on the side of wicked.

Fran - A woman who adores her family, and is totally loyal to them. When all is well with her family her world is perfect. Soft with her animals. Helpful, and I think gentle too.

Elaine - A lady I like very much, and would love to meet one day. A kindred spirit maybe.

Naomi. Despite her poorly health, is always cheerful. Attempts do so her best whatever the situation. And thats not something you can say about a lot of people - as a lot take the easy option. Naomi does the right thing. A person whose is at the heart of their family.

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07-08-2006, 10:04 PM   #42

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Snoof - A woman who will become a cat lady if she is not careful - especially if Ninja has his way Kindness is sprinkled throughtout her posts - what more can you say.

Smudgley - A woman for whom the 24 hour day is not enough. A lady who is to polite and lets herself get walked over a few times before she resists especially if related to cat rescue. Poeple who turn up late etc etc. Now she's got the hang of potato growing she could start a baked tata empire.

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07-08-2006, 10:14 PM   #43

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

[quote=Kim] Last edited by dandysmom : Today at 08:02 PM. Reason: spekking errors

Sorry, Eileen, this made me smile! I must have rather a wicked sense of humour!
Thank God for the Edit feature...I make lots of "spekking errors" but didn't know people could see rhe reason; this is a riot! I am laughing at myself... you have my type of humor too!!

Yola, I was quite accurate then? [/QUO

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07-08-2006, 10:34 PM   #44

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by Luke
Kazz-An Optimist (bet i've spelt it wrong!), and allways there with something to say that brightens the day!
Mags-Very much someone *i think* we all look to on CP in times of needs, a very helpful woman who bears a lot of wisdom.
Dinahsmum-A motherly sorta person...i think DM "keeps her own council: (also known as biting tounge!) a lot.
Moli-A very dignified lady with a good sense of humour, and allways there to talk!
Dandysmom-A lady who never lets anything (i.e the terrors of photobucket!) get the better of her, and she likes when i write my tales of mayhem from my day!
Donna-a VERY strong woman.
EmmaG-A very talented and artistic lady, i think one of those people who is a very good listener.
Kim-A very kind lady, allways with something nice to say-and allways see's bright in bad!
Fran-An all round approachable person, can ask fran anything and she will try to help you in anyway she can!
Yola-A very "leader" type, yet lovely, person!
Het-well..she doesn't post here all that much, so you lot don't get to see her true colours () but shes a woman after my own heart-and she definatley knows how to have a laugh.

Right...those are *just* the members i could straight off think of, sorry for those i have missed-will have another think!
I dont know what you mean!!

I think you sum me up well. Always speak my mind, always tell it how I see it, opinionated I am!

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08-08-2006, 09:30 AM   #45

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Oooo - and some I forgot . . . .

Hreow - Very intelligent and articulate. Empathetic, business-like and a creative thinker in the broadest (and the most litteral) senses of the word.

Snoof - Again, some else who's a little cautious of strangers but someone who is knowledgable, warm, thoughtful and considerate.

Dawn B - wicked/evil sense of humour honest and a straight talker. No nonsense here - just tells it how it is.

BM - Romantic, impatient, heart-rules-the-head type of person. I bet she has the filthiest laugh on this planet and holds the dubious honour of having made me laugh the loudest and longest with her story of 'cat fondling'

Kim - Quiet, kind, thoughtful, but also strong-willed. Will stand up for what she believes in and is also quite articulate in presenting her arguments.

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08-08-2006, 05:12 PM   #46

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by Kazz

Elaine - A lady I like very much, and would love to meet one day. A kindred spirit maybe.
Bloody hell, that came as a surprise Didnt expect to see my name at all as I read through the thread.
Thankyou Kazz, that was a very nice thing to say.
Will have to have a good think before I add my bit, perhaps over dinner

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08-08-2006, 05:40 PM   #47

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Guys You're making me blush

And Luke - I'm not secretly a scientist, although Matt has a degree in pure maths (thus showing there must be something dreadfully wrong with him, but I love him anyway ) I didn't even finish high school!

I am, however, very nosy and curious about a lot of things, so I end up reading up on things that interest me.

Kim, spot on

Kazz - we're set for cats at the minute I'm just hoping Ninja doesn't decide to bring any more friends home for a while as it would break my heart to give them up to a rescue or the RSPCA, but given we have 4 and I want to introduce Choo-Choo as slowly as possible to ensure there won't be any issues... Plus, they'll eat the clothes off my back if I have any more and then I won't be decent to go buy them more catfood, leading to a rebellion of epic proportions involving many, many claws

I am, unfortunately, being snowed under with work at the moment and only really reading in a relaxed sort of way. I want to do this properly, so as soon as this $&£(*$£ thing starts doing what it's supposed to do I'll be back in this thread

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08-08-2006, 08:34 PM   #48

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Luke : A young bright lad who is finding his own way in the world right now, and no matter what he see's the good in everyone. (and is as nuts and fun loving as his little pup )

Mags: A women who has lived more than anyone I know

Emma G : a fun loving person, who is a better artist than half of the artist on this planet!

CJK: Has always been there when i needed to talk to someone after a horrible day at work and one person I would love to meet (and is like the crazy women outta the simpson with all the cats)

Moli : Lovely, theres not enough paper in the world to describe you

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09-08-2006, 05:47 PM   #49

Re: Describe your fellow catpagers

Originally Posted by JemBob

Mags: A women who has lived more than anyone I know
I'm frightened to ask you how old you think I am Jemma!!

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