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JBalways2000's Avatar
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31-01-2011, 06:25 PM   #51

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Ok we made a decision. I rang the lady back and i told her if she is the one that wants him and he is staying with her we are ok with that because we dont want to uproot him again if he has settled and made friends and going to be looked after. She asked me if i was sure and told me she is happy for him to go to me, and i told her yes we do want him but it doesnt seem fair to him to bring him to yet another home(especially with the risks with our boys we were already worried about) when he seems like he is already in one he can stay in forever. We sort of tried to put our feelings for him aside on this one and made the decision based on that and you know, it does feel like the right decision.

As i said this lady wasnt very nice to me but at the end of the day if she will take good care of him and he is happy where he is then im ok with that. She has actually promised to send me photos of him so i took that as a good sign. I also told her i will ring up for updates every now and then so hopefully i can make sure he is being treated the way he should. I also told her that basically we are only happy if he stays with her, if she decides he isnt right for her after all and he is going to go to a new home anyway then we would like it to be ours and i asked her to please keep us at the top of the list if this happens. She told me if hes staying he is staying for good(which again i took as a good sign) but that we will be her first call if anything happens.

I know i cant fully trust her but despite her being nasty to me and being told some lies over the weekend, i think i finally uncovered the truth and that is that she fell for him and wants him. The funny thing is if she had told me all this on saturday and that he had made friends with her cats i would have been happy about that. Im still not sure why she felt the need to lie, maybe because she doesnt know me either? But either way i think she is being truthful now and i just hope "Ginjee" has a very happy and long life in his new home.

I hope you all think we made the right choice, it does feel right, not like saturday when i felt incredibly down about it all so i think we have. I can of course now post photos of the boy that has caused such a stir! Shall do so this evening Along with photos of the boys that already have my heart thankyou all once again for the advice and support, we certainly needed it this week and it helped keep me sane(well as sane as i can be! )

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31-01-2011, 07:16 PM   #52

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Well... As far as I can tell, as long as you are at peace about the decision, it is the right thing to have done. You've done all you can for him, and tried to put him first, and that is the most important thing.

She was very silly to lie about it like that, but maybe she was worried she'd loose him if she told you that she wanted to keep him. Kind of like "first come, first served". Definitely being very defensive, but...

Hopefully he will have settled down in his forever home, and you will have lots of pics of him having fun with his new brothers/sisters.

Thank you for telling us the rest of the story.

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31-01-2011, 09:17 PM   #53

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

I'm very glad that you have come to terms with this hard decision JB and I think you have been brave about it. I was pleased for you that you told the woman honestly about how you felt for the little lad and that finally you and she have come to a settlement.

Yes, please post those pictures ......

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31-01-2011, 09:44 PM   #54

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Maybe not the outcome I'd have hoped for, but you seem at peace with the decision, and it's in the best interests of the little fellow. Looking forward very much to pics!!

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01-02-2011, 11:42 AM   #55

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Very brave selfless decision putting wee man first. Think you will find there will be another wee one somewhere ear marked for you.

Silly woman for fibbing but it happens.

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PoshPuss's Avatar
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01-02-2011, 02:42 PM   #56

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Hi JB, just caught up with the whole story of 'Ginjee'.
I think you should be at peace with yourself as you did right by the kitten in the end. After all, it was your good heartedness that took him in and put him in a place of safety. Other people who got involved along the way have their own reasons for acting the way they did, we can't say why.
In the main though, the cat is happy, you have had the chance to reflect on how a newcomer to your house could be accommodated and you have learned by this experience.

I'm sure there's another wee one waiting for the love you have to give, it will happen soon, in the meantime, would love to see a pic of 'Ginjee'

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01-02-2011, 09:33 PM   #57

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

A good and kind descision by you, to let the kitten go where he is loved a bit like a Solomon descision.
At the end of the day the kitten was lucky he followed you and lucky he now has a home where he is wanted and loved. Good outsome. even if the route there was a bit round the houses.

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JBalways2000's Avatar
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03-02-2011, 01:35 PM   #58

Re: Kitten followed us home-advice?

Thankyou all for the kind replies and im glad you all think we done the right thing by him. I have just finally posted photos in the appropriate section-i think you will all change your minds and call us crazy for not having him when you see them He really was a gorgeous boy and my heart was melting all over again picking the photos to share but i do still feel like we made the right choice. We werent looking for a new kittie and my heart still aches for Raven like im sure it always will but when the time is right for a new kittie to enter all our lives then im sure we wont have a choice in the matter! This boy was very lucky having 2 grown women fighting for him I just really hope he remains a happy boy and is hopefully in his forever home.

Thanks again everyone, really helped getting everyones opinions and advice, you are all stars!

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