Originally Posted by Soupie
So sorry to read this.
If it's any help we took in a cat with the virus from the CPL some years ago before it was widely known about. That cat shared our cats' bowls and mutually groomed them for several years before one of our existing cats got ill and was diagnosed. The other cat we had at the time never contracted it in 4 years of close sharing of bowls and beds etc and was vaccinated and lived to 18 years old. Unfortunately we lost the two who had it in quite horrific ways and it was heartbreaking as I was a teen.
BUT George never contracted it and she was the one closest to the infected cat so take heart and try not to worry. Am sending goodvibes the tests on yours are negative!
Thanks Soupie - there do seem to be some positive stories out there.
At the moment we're just waiting for William (the stray)'s second test results. If they are positive too - then i'll panic. I'm just trying to stay calm at the moment, until I have all the facts.