Thank you all very much for caring it means a lot.
She was eager for her walk this morning and ate her dinner last night - and ate a small handful of mixer this morning. She is eating, drinking, toileting and walking at a good pace when out. Just a bit quitier but there again is she am I just over thinking it maybe? She is in no discomfort to the best of my knowledge (and my knowledge of my dog is good)
Brought her a large soft dog bed yesterday and she loves it bigger than her normal bed lovely material unusual but warm and best of all removable covers for washing but hey - in fact may go back and get another for the kitchen as that one is in the living room and maybe even buy a rug for in front of the fire in the living room (spoilt) hmm debatable but possibly true.

Ohh yes she demanded her kong yesterday and spent a good 10minutes having a good chew (I think it her way of stress relief)
So all good here and she is most impressed by the Christmas tree NOT. Seen it all before she is only interested in smoked bone smelling wrapping paper or rubber ball smelling wrapping paper. Which always contain her presents.