Originally Posted by angieh
Thanks for those recommendations Shelley. I am reading The Merrybegot by Julie Hearn - was a Kindle daily deal for 99p. I think it's meant to be for "young adults" but I am finding it is full of menace and quite chilling.
Have to say that ATM I have quite a few unfinished books on my Kindle. I seem to give up when I come to a bit that I think is going to be horrible to read .... getting rather squeamish in my old age and will soon have to only buy books that are pink and fluffy. 
lol, Angie your comment about pink and fluffy made me giggle.
If i'm to read an animal book i check the last page to make sure everything is ok before i read it. I'm afraid if the animal doesn't survive then i don't read the book.
Yesterday when i visited the library they had a display of books wrapped in brown paper. The books were to be taken out and the title of the display was " What if you couldn't judge a book by it's cover ?" All that was written on the paper was the genre of the story. Wish i'd taken one out now, i may go back soon and get one, could be interesting.