Originally Posted by Fran
I wasn't going to reply on this thread as tbh I am sick and tired of hearing the same old stories and high and mighty opinions.
The litters you are reading about on CP are very much 'wanted' litters there will be no pieces to pick up for you to worry yourself about Kim.
My kittens are all very much wanted, the new mummies and daddies have wanted /waited months for a grey kitten, just like I have been waiting months for show quality Siamese! My kittens are loved, raised in my living room as you can see from my photos. They are all healthy, flead, wormed and are being vet checked next week.. The parents are innoculated, wormed and flead regularly and have fabulous temperaments. Mum was properly cared for during pregnancy and I helped her and was with her the whole time during delivery of the kittens. My kittens are well integrated and socialised and are now weaned and litter trained. They will all go with 6 weeks free insurance, I offer a lifetime back up for new owners just as I do for my puppies and I would always take one of my kittens back at whatever age just the same as I would my pedigree puppies. I am sick and tired of being 'attacked' It is my choice whether I neuter my pets or not, not yours or anyone else's on here. I do not actively promote the breeding of any animal as Luke will tell you when he asked my advice re Elsa. I take the breeding of my animals seriously whether it be Pedigree dogs or moggie cats. If you do not agree with what I do then you do not have to read my threads. As I said before in a previous thread..
'If you can't find something nice to say, then it is better to say nothing at all'
Ahemm, excuse me, but I really don't think that was necessary at all!!! Since when was I 'having a go' at you?????

I can't remember ever disagreeing with you in one of your threads. You are taking this way to personally, I have no doubt that your kittens are wanted or indeed anybody's on here, after all we are supposed to love cats, right? I was speaking generally. I was frustrated simply because a poster had posted a picture of the result of her purposeful mating of her cat and I interpreted, rightly or wrongly, because of the responses that most people seemed to think this was okay. Since reading this thread I have realised that *most* of us actually agree that neutering is best. I am not being 'high & mighty' - it is just something I feel very strongly about, that's all and I have explained why. You make your own choices, but you can't expect everyone to agree with them, just as I don't expect everyone to agree with me!

however, we are all entitled to our own opinions and as someone said debate is not a bad thing. Which is why there is a 'debates' section. I am sorry that you don't like what I have said, I was hasty and I have apologised for that. We're not all perfect. However, if I feel strongly about something I
will say something, in certain situations your quote is quite right, but not in all, after all we do have freedom of speech.