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12-02-2008, 03:07 PM   #61

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Angie - you are an angel for what you do for Merlin. I will be hoping and praying that his strength remains, that he takes his pills and that her GETS BETTER!!!

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12-02-2008, 06:25 PM   #62

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Oh Merlin probably misses his mummy (you) washing him and it really must be a lovely bonding feeling between you and him when you do that for him. Sounds like you are doing so well with him. Well done X

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12-02-2008, 11:17 PM   #63

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Originally Posted by angieh
The good news is that late last night I managed to get Merlin to eat a little tinned tuna in spring water and this morning he has eaten some raw beef mince (prev. frozen).

I also managed to give him a bit of a wash yesterday late afternoon. This was actually something we did for pleasure when he was a kitten as I'm sure he left his mum too early. I used to get an old flannel and moisten it in warm water and pretend I was a mummy cat's tongue with it - used to get lots of purrrrrs. Anyway did this again for him, starting with his face and working all along his body and then his tail and whilst he seemed quite happy for me to do this, I then quickly managed to give his anus a bit of a wipe too! Hopefully that made him a bit more comfy! Things you do for your darling pet!

Anti-bio pill in fine this morning. I always think it's a sure way of telling he's not well if he doesn't play up about taking his medicine. The Pro-Kolin is a bit more tricky - I did manage to rub some around his mouth yesterday and will try again later today (he's fast asleep at the moment) but he is meant to have this X3 per day so must try harder.

Thanks again for all your kind wishes - please keep sending the healing vibes!

So sorry Merlin is not to well again, but you sparked a memory there for me about the flannel and wiping down I used to do this for Oz when he was younger a half grown kitten - he used to go under cars a lot and to get the oil off I used to wipe him down, but it started a cleaning frenzy by Cleo who would pin him down like a mother cat to a kitten poor old Oz complained like a pre-teenage boy taking a bath.

I hope Merlin feels a lot better soon TLC works wonders and he is getting that more than 3x a day..... take care. Karen

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13-02-2008, 04:49 AM   #64

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Lots of love and prayers to you and Merlin. Will be thinking about you and hoping for the best.
My advice is going to be, if you are not happy with the vet you saw, just call again and ask for the one you do like.
We have two vets in the practice where we go and we request them each for different circumstances.
You are the one paying the bill, be happy about your choice of vet.
Lots and lots of love to your baby!

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13-02-2008, 01:08 PM   #65

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

I've put a little note on the daily thread but thought you'd like an update....

Merlin is still managing to eat. He had more tuna last night and some mince this morning. OH said that he fought against having his anti-bio and spat it out 4 times and scratched OH - I heard the curses from the bedroom! But he managed to disguise a now very soggy pill in the mince and Merlin ate it.

Not so much luck with the Pro-Kolin. He does not like it a bit and I am still hesitating to try and get the big plastic dispenser in his mouth. I tried mixing it with his next helping of mince, with the result that both were left. I'd rather he ate so may have to try to spread it around his mouth again and hope he licks even a little of it off.

He's fast asleep on the back of the sofa in the sun now - I need to give him a little wash later and I'll judge whether to try anything then. He's just so thin now that I don't want to do anything roughly that may hurt him. His eyes are still so bright and he came for cuddles and warmth onto the bed again this morning. When he moves about, he does not seem to be in pain. The big decision would be so much easier if I though he was in any pain.

I don't have any complaints against the vet I saw - she was pleasant and thorough in her examination and amazed to see such an elderly cat. She wasn't prepared to throw drugs at him and was obviously thinking that if he did not show improvement, I'd take him back in and she'd progress to other avenues of investigation - ie. blood/urine tests. Although he is not a well puss, he is no longer vomiting or straining, he is eating and drinking and urinating (although he hasn't defaecated yet - but she said he wasn't constipated), so I am going to give it a bit longer before going back. Have to be a bit careful I know and we have to travel to another branch of the practice at weekends, as ours in closed.

All healing thoughts and prayers are welcome. Merlin does thank you all, or would do if he could type!

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13-02-2008, 03:47 PM   #66

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Merlin has a very dedicated and loving mum. Loved the flannel story, he must have thought he was in kitty heaven. I will certainly pray for his comfort and strength, but you are doing such a wonderful job, I think our prayers are being answered.

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13-02-2008, 05:21 PM   #67

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Prayers still heading your way, Angie .......

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13-02-2008, 06:34 PM   #68

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Lots of healing vibes for Merlin XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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13-02-2008, 08:19 PM   #69

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Oh my dear sweet Merlin, please give him loads of cuddles for me please.
I am just wondering, since he wont take the Pro-Kolin(Eva hated that too) and since it is a pro biotoc, do you think he may take a little natural yoghurt? Winston was quite partial to a little natural yoghurt, just a wee teaspoon of it mind, Bernie also likes this on occasion.
I also wondered if you have considered giving him some slippery elm bark too, that may help keep his tummy settled.
You are such a good mummy to him, bless you both xxx

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14-02-2008, 12:49 AM   #70

Re: I'm getting so afraid for Merlin

Originally Posted by Elaine
Oh my dear sweet Merlin, please give him loads of cuddles for me please.
I am just wondering, since he wont take the Pro-Kolin(Eva hated that too) and since it is a pro biotoc, do you think he may take a little natural yoghurt? Winston was quite partial to a little natural yoghurt, just a wee teaspoon of it mind, Bernie also likes this on occasion.
I also wondered if you have considered giving him some slippery elm bark too, that may help keep his tummy settled.
You are such a good mummy to him, bless you both xxx
Thanks for this Elaine - I did wonder about natural yog. Merlin loves yoghurt but would it have to be the probiotic sort, live yoghurt? I'd be grateful if you could advise about what sort - OK not fruity sort!

I read about slippery elm on the wizz site but don't know how he would take to that - I believe it is fairly disgusting. I did actually get him to take the Pro-Kolin X2 today, by slipping a little into the side of his mouth with my finger and then giving him some food so that he took it down together. That did seem to work and he didn't throw it back up. After this morning's problem OH had with the anti-bio, I gave him his pill tonight and he took it like a lambkin - I have never had such an easy time of it! I have to report he has eaten a whole poached chicken breast today in two meals - most of which I hand fed him. He certainly seems to be picking up a bit, the food must be helping. I have another chicken breast in the fridge and I also bought some more mince that I have portioned up and put in the freezer. I got the cheaper variety after reading your article about Winston again and the advice you had from your vet.

I am also really glad I bought the Snugglesafe when I did. It has it's own fleece cover and I also wrap it in a small towel - he does need to keep warm.

Thanks again for comments - any other ideas gratefully received.

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