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I am trying not to smoke and am more of a social smoker now so this ban has helped me a lot to pack in because it does become a habit in the bar to smoke because everyone else did. What I am opposed to is getting in a taxi before I go out and it stinks of smoke. ![]() ![]() So do we request non-smoking drivers in the future? (I do agree there should be smoking and non smoking oubs as this gives people the choice to go in ir not.) |
I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect smokers to go outside to smoke. It is fact that second hand smoke is dangerous to your health, and non-smokers should not be forced to breathe it in if they want to go out. It personally makes me feel quite sick, I get light headed and queasy. When I was younger and tried smoking myself I just ended up nearly fainting or projectile vomiting, and would hate sitting in the same car as my mum who'd be puffing away. If I complained then it would just be, well walk then!! Unfortunately so many people associate smoking with having a good time, or relaxing and so pubs and clubs are losing money. I know my local pub is so quiet now. But hopefully in time it will pick up. You've just got to persevere and people will stop sulking and hopefully stop smoking as much too! My mum actually welcomes the ban because she smokes less now when she goes out which she knows is good for her. I hate the way some smokers get really angry. They don't own the pubs, and one of their human rights is not to inflict fag smoke on other people, damaging their lungs as well as their own. The ban isn't a deliberate way of telling smokers off, or making them feel uncomfortable by standing outside, it's just to free buildings of harmful smoke. If you think about it fairly, which person should be made to go outside or stay home ? The smoker or the non-smoker? The 'right' or the most moral choice has to be the smoker. If you make it a non-smoking pub then both parties can go out, and the person who chooses to abuse their health can stand outside while doing so. In a smoking pub then a non-smoker will have to either be unhappy or stay home. Someone doing something harmful should not have power. |
If i have a glass of wine im not forcing it down someone elses throat too. I love the fact smoking is banned, i hated going into bars and having to inhale other peoples smoke, damaging my lungs. I am a thoracic nurse, alcohol when it is not abused can be good for your health, eg red wine, the problem is people dont do it in moderation. Smoking is NEVER good for your health trust me if you saw what i have seen on my ward you would not be able to put a cigarette in your mouth again, my housemate gave up with some of the horror stories i told and the times i came in in tears after a horrible day. Not being able to breath because your lungs are so damaged is my greatest fear now, its horrible to watch, its not just lung cancer there are multiple conditions and diseases you can contract through smoking. Also if you need to go have an op for something else it effects your fitness for anaesthetics. My real dad smokes (not alot) and so do a few of my friends and it really breaks my heart. |
Nursecroft- please tell me some of the stories!! My mum smokes and I wish she'd stop. My worst nightmare is watching her die, especially of something agonising like emphysema. |
I dont want to upset or scare you, its very difficult to persuade someone to stop smoking, i lived with my housemate for 2 years before her gave up, he hated seeing me upset at times (im only human!) i used to smoke socially when i was out but it actually makes me wretch now, i couldnt do it if i wanted to. If she came on my ward and saw the size of the chest drains we put in think that would be enough to put her off, alot of patients give up after being on my ward, trouble is sometimes its too late. |
I'm 100% behind the ban. I personally think it is a horrid habit and it is finally nice to go out and come back home not smelling of smoke. It is the smokers choice to smoke, but what choice does a non smoker have when they are forced to inhale other people's smoke in pubs and restaurants! |
You are right, it is a horrid habit. However, it is not anyone elses place to "outlaw" it. Most smokers are pretty considerate of non smokers. To not smoke in a steak house or the Mcdonalds is one thing. But to ban smoking from the bars??? That should be the owners choice. He knows best if his clientele is smoking or non smoking. Also I have a sister who is "allergic" to cigarette smoke. IF you light up around her she will cough and sneeze. But if she goes to the Casino you don't hear one cough out of her. Now what is up with that?? This is just one more nail in our personal rights. You wait, now it is smoking. Let that sink in, and then there will be another ban on something else, and another..... Next it will be overweight people that they go after. I read an article the other day that says obesity has surpassed smoking as the number one health problem. So how do you suppose they will handle that? Will the government start counting your calories for you? I know smoking is bad, but so is drinking, but so far no ban on that. Oh, wait, they tried that and it didn't work. And what about the fact that we in the midwest have to smell the hog manure? Nothing done about that. Now that WILL bring tears to your eyes!! I work full time. I pay taxes, I go to church, I vote and am involved in community service. And I am tired of being treated like a second class citizen because I smoke!! |
Don't worry Lian - I'm 100% with you on this one, and for once in total agreement with our govt for pushing this through! Scarycatlady - it's actually law here in the UK now, and I think even many smokers will admit that eating/drinking environments are far more pleasant as a result. I think even our drinking culture here in the UK is moving away from the ciggie and a pint to wine-based drinking with food and this move just reflects that transition. Unless your talking about going out clubbing of course. As for your diet/overweight comment - that's for another discussion thread, but there is some argument in encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health rather than always looking to someone else to sort their problems out for them! |