Originally Posted by Kobster
Yes, but this was stated in a separate thread on a separate day. I know I can't be the only member who doesn't visit every day, read every thread, or remember what was said on every thread. From the way the thread with the kitten pics was worded, I had know way of knowing it wasn't a rescued female (I mean who intentially breeds and doesn't know how far along the female is???)
Point being, its isn't always that people are condoning it, they perhaps just don't know.
Think what may have happened is that the wee cat was caught by one of the other males at an earlier date which
the OP didnt know about. She saw or knew about the mating 10 days previously & took her dates from there. I cant help thinking how uncomfortable it must have been when heavily pregnant to be mated again. How could the vet not have known the cat was
much further on than 10 days? Did i misread the OP had taken the cat to the vet? If she was running with the other cats when in season which she must have been then the kittens could have had different sires.
How could you miss a female cat in season?
I miss loads too Rachel & i visit quite often