Hello All.
I've popped over form Dogsey to tell you about a 'happening' in my neighbours garden yesterday.
I was out hanging out washing (as you do
) when I heard some scrabbling coming from the roof of my next door neighbours 'summer house' (aka glorified shed!) I looked up and there was their beautiful tortoiseshell cat, in it's ususal position, sunning itself. Just to the side of it was a huge magpie! The magpie is nesting nearby and was obviously owrried and believe it or not it kept coming up to this cat and pecking it's rear legs!!!
The cat cottoned onto it and the magpie changed position. This carried on for a good five minutes until the cat finally got fed up of the magpie and moved away!!!! I couldn't believe it, I felt sorry for the poor cat, bullied out of it's favourite spec by a magpie!!!!
Anyway, I was amazed and wanted to 'share' my story!!! Hope you don't mind!