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06-01-2013, 11:02 AM   #1

Misty Sunday

Morning all - very misty and murky here this morning, drizzly rain.

We had a phone call around 4.30 this morning to let us know that OH's mum had just died. Whilst it is a great relief I hope for her and for her family, of course we are feeling sad today. OH's birthday tomorrow has been put on hold.

He's out with the dogs just now and I'm doing my usual morning chores.

Kizzy, as always, is being particularly comforting.

Have a good day folks.

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06-01-2013, 11:22 AM   #2

Re: Misty Sunday

Awww Angie so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with both you and your OH and family.. X glad to hear Lizzy is a comfort for you

I'm still not feeling well. Spent all day yesterday on the couch as my sore throat has developed into a horrid cold aswell now so another relaxing day I think.

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06-01-2013, 11:42 AM   #3

Re: Misty Sunday

Angie, I so sorry that your MIL has passed away. I do know what you mean though about there being a guilty relief mixed in with the sadness; I felt that same mixture of feelings when my dear old Aunt, who was very frail and poorly, died a few years ago.

Pamela, sorry you're feeling so rough. Best to spend time on the sofa with honey and hot lemon drinks. I hope you're cold lifts soon.

Here? Well OH has taken the boys to Dominik's Sunday morning rugby and I'm ostensibly doing some work. However my much neglected feet have had a mini pedicure and now my toe polish matches my finger polish

And whilst I will be doing some work, I'll also be scanning the internet for bits and bobs to go with the NEW KITCHEN we ordered yesterday. Never having had a brand new kitchen in my life I'm a tad excited It's this one, and the soft blue/grey colour matches the existing paintwork in the adjacent dining room almost perfectly . . . http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgur...wAg&dur=131 4

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06-01-2013, 12:12 PM   #4

Re: Misty Sunday

Fab kitchen Yola! When are you expecting delivery?

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06-01-2013, 12:40 PM   #5

Re: Misty Sunday

Originally Posted by angieh
Fab kitchen Yola! When are you expecting delivery?
They can have it with us in 2-3 weeks but we have a tonne of work to do before we can take delivery so we will almost certainly be deferring this until we're ready to fit.

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06-01-2013, 01:36 PM   #6

Re: Misty Sunday

Angie I am so sorry to hear this and while she is now at peace. She is a much loved and Mom and MIL would you please pass on my sympathies to your husband and obviously the same to you.
Dora could have arrived just at the right time.

Pamela sorry you are still feeling poorly, hopefuly the cold will resolve the underliying issue of the throat and you will recover 100%

Yola now thats a thought I may do my toenails later not doe them since before the cruise. I think it brightens my day a little not sure about anyone one else when you look down at painted toe nails.
And the new kitchen looks stunning. It looks like a "Yola" kitchen - Stylish - understated by classy.

My day consists of so far crumpets with marmite, coffee and looking out the window both upstairs and down and plans formulating in my head for the garden, well both front and back.
Got to go to Asda top up on a bit of shopping.

Have a good day all. As best you can.


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06-01-2013, 09:05 PM   #7

Re: Misty Sunday

Sorry to hear your news Angie, it's an odd mix of sadness and relief isn't it? Condolences to your OH.

I love the kitchen Yola- once day I'll have one big enough for a table in it!

Hope you feel better soon Pamela.

I just hide my feet Kazz, the running play havoc with them and I have bruised toenails on the left foot- not sure quite how I did it but they are not a pretty sight.

A domestic day today with a run this afternoon. I'm back to work tomorrow after a long break- not looking forward to the alarm clock........

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