Ginger's acting odd!!
I should be happy about it really, but he is 15 this year, and he is the cat I have had the longest, so I worry more about him. He has suddenly started coming back upstairs again, and wasn't even that put off by Molly spitting at him earlier (he is known for being so laid back and doesn't have a go back). He is currently asleep on the cat bed in teh bathroom - it is only the second time (well, third if you count him wandering in earlier when i had a bath) I have seen him in my bathroom this year, and the first time was cos I had workmen in so upstairs was quieter - and then he went round all 3 rooms until he could get out again. Normally, he only comes up to see if there is any food left in Tom's bowl, and when he finds there isn't, he goes back downstairs, but not this weekend, he has then wandered into my room. He has also lost some more weight this month - which is a good thing, but a bigger drop than normal for him. His annual blood tests are due in OCtober, do you think it is OK to leave them till then, or should I get them done sooner? He is up monthly for weigh ins anyway, so can always reschedule one of those with the vet if he gets any other symptoms.