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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
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08-07-2023, 05:49 AM   #1

Rainy Saturday

Good morning ladies,
Saturday 4pm here and it's been raining on and off all day, although it seems to have warmed up a bit. No leaks though, thank goodness. Janna is about to go out and feed the wee birds - they're all gathering on my neighbour's roof. I've spent the week blobbing out basically and actually doing very little. I lost my beautiful Dickens a year ago last Tuesday and I spent the entire day just thinking of him and feeling miserable.. It certainly doesn't seem like a year ago. I tried to pull myself together because once I start feeling down, i find it very hard to shake off that feeling. I finally lit a candle and said a rosary prayer for my poor boy, with his ashes beside me, and then made myself go and do something else. I'm OK now, but it sort of made me miserable the whole week.

My sister had a good birthday last Sunday. The chocolate boxes didn't arrive until Monday ,but she was OK with that since I had some fudge for her. We are getting on OK again now too, which is good. Brenna's birthday is on 11th but she's working late that night ,so I won't see her until the following weekend when we're all going out for a meal together. I've wrapped up her presents this morning - I got her a pile of Pure organic cleaning products for her house, also some Pure organic shampoo and conditioner and some Pure organic face wash.Brenna loves all the Pure products, so I usually do get her those. Oh yes, she's also got a box of those hand made chocolates,and a box of soap, so she'll be happy. My cousin's birthday is next, on 23rd and I've got her a pair of possum socks, an umbrella, some wrist warmers, 2 jars of honey in a sweet wee wooden gift box, a box of soap and a box of those chocolates. I'll be pleased when this month is over.

I lost Willow 3 years ago on 18th of this month as well. I'm going to make sure I go out somewhere that day and just be on my own and try and keep calm. I was thinking of going over to Akaroa for the day and go for a long walk up round the cliffs. Gosh, I'm starting to cry now, just thinking of it. I hate these anniversaries and just don't handle them well.

Changing the subject, I had to go out to Burwood Hospital yesterday for an eye check at the Diabetes Centre. It's a long way from here to Burwood and I had to catch two buses. My sister actually came with me and we had a nice wee lunch at the hospital cafe. There's a really nice gift shop at the hospital so we both had a good look around there Didn't buy anything though. Chicken tenders ,potatoes and veges for tea tonight followed by a slice of ice cream Vienetta. Yummy.

PAMELA,I'm sorry that your dad isn't right as yet ,but hopefully the new doctor might find the cause of the problem. You must be so worried about him. I know you're working very hard at the moment and I do hope it all pays off for you, Pamela.. It's good that you'll be able to relax a bit at the snuffle mat show this weekend and it'll be nice to have a friend to go with At least it's company. I hope you sell heaps. Wow, I knew that Robyn would be going places. I hope your friend was able to put her name forward to the Search and Rescue committee on Thursday and they are able to accept her for the training. You and Steven must be so proud. AND you're off to Birmingham for a couple of days on Monday. You'll enjoy that, I'm sure. The fur babies will miss you though. You'll have to give them a treat when you get home again.

SHELLEY, hope you and your family and the pups are all doing well. How are your dad and Reuben doing ? I hope they enjoyed their time away at the van recently. Every time it rains here (which is most of the time) I worry about flooding and then I think of you and your doll room. Thank goodness your flooding didn't make your carpet all damp.I hope Howard's blocking of the vents did the trick and the problem is now sorted.Do you still think you will move your doll collection upstairs ,just to be on the safe side ?

Well Pamela and Shelley, have a great weekend. Hope the weather is kind to you and you both find a bit of time to relax.

Love to all Catsey cats and dogs as well.

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08-07-2023, 08:02 PM   #2

Re: Rainy Saturday

Evening Dinky,

Its wet here now too also had thunder and lightening here and thankfully Mia has been ok so far.

I cant believe that has been a year since Dickens passed I hope your ok as it would have been a hard day. I cant believe it is also nearly 3 years since you lost Willow. My goodness what a hard month it will be for you.

I am glad your sister had a lovely birthday and that you are getting on ok again. It also sounds like an expensive month with all the birthdays!

Shelley how are you? How was your doll fair? How is the doll room after the flooding? have you started preparing the other room yet?

I had a dog show today and my friend from Mantrailing came with me. Was nice to have company for a change. No plans for tonight except relaxing!! Not sure what we are doing tomorrow!

Just a quick check in have a lovely evening

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