Lounging on the sofa, next to Hippie, and pretending she's even slightly innocent
I resized most of this one but in the bottom right-hand corner you can see the bit with her teats showing that hasn't been resized - Hippie told her that if they were any bigger he'd think she were a boy, but I reckon that'd be one
strange boy
Nipple shot (ooh-la-la!) number one.
Nipple shot number two, here you can really see how the hair's receded from the teats to make it easier for the kits to breathe (at least I think that's why it does that, can't remember for sure, but I
am sure they're supposed to so I'm not
too worried
Well - not about that part of it, anyway!).
Next to Hippie, who has in his exhaustion apparently shed at least 10 years of his outward age
And this morning, the amazing (and badly framed, terrible photographer
) upside-down cat!
know you love me..."
And I do
If anyone wants to amend their guesses as to how many kittens there will be, feel free. I've had a few interested people inquire and will talk to a few more when I get a chance... And might secretly be contemplating talking Hippie into us keeping at least one
But I'm sure none of you are surprised there
Edit: I'm slightly astonished at how quickly she got so big - is that supposed to happen? If you look at the pictures I posted not two weeks ago, she was much much skinnier then and only really started showing about a week ago.
Really quite disturbing considering how long it takes us humans, I suppose, but cats have a much shorter gestation and she's been putting on some proper weight as well as she gets fed properly here (and seems to be planning to eat us out of hearth and home!). She learned to come when I call her for foodies
awfully fast