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29-08-2020, 07:18 AM   #1


Morning everyone.

its going to be a sunny day here today. Feels a bit of a strange day for me as its a week today since we lost my mum. Still doesnt feel real. Hubby and i have a couple of things to do today then its trying to relax the rest of the day.

Tomorrow we are at my dads getting the house ready for their friends coming up to stay for mums funeral on tuesday.

Shelley, how is Eric doing? I hope he is feeling better.
Dinky, how are the restrictions in NZ? have they been lifted again?

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29-08-2020, 08:54 AM   #2

Re: Saturday

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Saturday evening here after a lovely sunny day. My cousin came round for lunch and brought fish and chips for us to share. Haven't had them for a while, so it was a real treat.We had a nice chat and she said she was going to start clearing out some of her stuff from the front conservatory and spare room.Don't quite know what she's going to do with it though. !!! We shall wait and see. Cats still won't go outside at all so don't know what's wrong with them. It's probably for the best anyway as my wee wild birds that I feed are getting very tame and I would hate one of them to get caught.

Brenna has sprained her shoulder at taekwondo and has to have physio on it.It's very painful and she's hoping it eases over the weekend as she is very busy at work next week. I'm going to start my tai chi class next week. I had to leave it because of my leg, but hopefully will be able to manage it soon,but am still thinking of fencing, perhaps next term. I think I should lose a bit of weight first and get a bit fitter. !!!

PAMELA, I'm glad the sun is shining for you today.Yes, things will feel strange for you and a bit surreal,and it will take time to get over that feeling. I think you are all doing remarkably well. I do so hope that you and Steven are able to relax a little today in both body and mind and get yourselves ready for the week ahead.I know that everything will go well for you all and I'm pleased that your dad will have some friends staying with him in the house. Now is not the time to be alone.I am praying for all of you.

SHELLEY,I do hope you are easing back into a routine after your time away and are able to enjoy the good(?) weather where you are. Poor Eric. Is he a little better today? I do hope so. I bet your dogs are happy to be home again and smell all the familiar smells.

Auckland moves into Level 2 at midnight Sunday night.From then, all of NZ will be at Level 2.Many are saying that the govt. should keep Auckland at level 3 for another week, as community cluster numbers are growing there. Allowing them to travel to the South Island will allow transmission of the virus So far ,there are no cases in the South Island but unfortunately that is all going to change rapidly.Time will tell whether or not the govt. has made the right decision.

Well everyone, have a peaceful day and stay safe.

Love to all Catsey cats, dogs and their guardians.

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29-08-2020, 09:53 AM   #3

Re: Saturday

Hello Pamela and Dinky.
Will have a nice walk in the reserve today and then maybe some doll work as a treat.
I really need to start writing about aunty madge too.
I've joined a great group on social media were I can practice makaton once a week.
We are very busy with Eric who is not doing well at all.
Pamela I do hope you and Steven have a relaxing day, my mum has been gone 3 years at Christmas and I still cant believe it.
Dinky, great that your going back to tail chi and thinking about fencing.
Hope Jannas shoulder is better soon.
Your post the other day about Snoddy waiting all day for you to go to bed made me laugh, Kwame is the same.
Malaika likes to refuse to come to bed and then scratches at the door when I'm asleep to be let in.
Like a well trained fool I get up and obey.

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