Well i finally did it..
And brought up Elsa's food bowls, bed and her 'cosy doughnut' from the top of the airing cupboard.
Put it all in a big box and put it up in the attic-felt so VERY strange to do so..and had poor Florrie giving me the evil eye all whilst doing it (she really is finding it weird without 'her' Elsa).
Got a phone call of her "new" owners today..she was speyed yesterday and is fine as we speak, asleep in an armchair in the house' conservatory, and is apparentlly already quite settled. Her new owners told me they will send some pics in a few weeks to show her progress-not sure whether that will help me or make me feel worse...
However-from the report today she already sounds quite settled, and her new owner said he would be more than happy if she took to living in the house and still doing as she pleased, if she doesnt wish to live out totally. Really does sound as if she is "happier" in her new home.