Kisses is giving birth.
She has got 4 so far, luckily I'm working from home today so have been able to keep an eye on her. She had the first one at 11am. They all look ok, but she has made it clear that I'm not to be poking my nose in too much as they are her babies & not mine. She is growling & purring at the same time
. I've not known that kind of behaviour before (obviously not talking about ferals) but with all the other cats I've known when in labour, they can't get enough of me to show-off their offspring to. She is being a good Mommy though which is all that counts & she loves me really. She is usually very friendly. She has been here less than a week, so I can forgive the growling. Oh & she does mean it because I put my hand inside the pen to turn the heater on and she gave me a strike with her paw! Wasn't quick enough though, so I live to tell the tale.