Pete is a neutered male, a rescue cat so we're not sure how old, but probably nearly 5. I've had him since July 2014 and he's a very contented cat and I love him to bits. He's very food-oriented, and when he wants to be fed he can be a bit bitey, but that's his only misbehaviour issue. He's fed a small amount of wet food in the morning, a small amount of dry food in his activity feeder through the day, and a larger amount of wet food at night, which I split between when I get in from work and before I go to bed.
Generally at night at some point he will come into the bedroom, jump onto the bed and go to sleep until what he thinks is breakfast time (which is about an hour before actual breakfast time

). But for the past week he has been waking me up at least once and usually a couple of times a night, sitting next to my face, hitting me in the face with his paw, biting my head, purring in my face, wanting attention, wanting food, wanting a game. Sometimes ten minutes of strokes and cuddles will calm him down and get him back to sleep. Last night that worked and then I moved my arm to put it back under the duvet and then he got all awake again and wouldn't settle, so I put him out of the bedroom. I've had to put a lock on the bedroom door because otherwise he just barges back in. Usually if I've shut him out of the bedroom at night (which doesn't happen often) he'll go off and sleep in his own bed, but last night he spent the night crying at the bedroom door.
I can't work out what's going on. He was at the vet last week about a minor issue and he's in great health. The only things I can think of is that he's sleeping more during the day because it's dark and cold and miserable so he's more awake at night, or the bedroom temperature has dropped at night when the heating goes off, and he's cold.
I'm baffled -and suffering from lack of sleep.