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10-11-2024, 10:29 PM   #1

Monday Daily.

Good morning Pamela and Shelley,
Monday morning here, 9:25am and I've not long had breakfast. It's going to be another hot day here although not as hot as the last few days have been (which i hate ,but I am not going to moan about it). I've been staying out at Brenna's because there are lots of paddocks close by where I can walk around . Yeah, I'm not meant to be walking much, but I just go gently around the paddock around 10 times a day. This new implant does not seem as if it is going to be rejected , although I still get a lot of pain when walking , although I'm coping OK with it. Not taking any strong pain relief any more as it was messing with my head(and my tummy!!!) and I manage to sleep reasonably well now. I've spent a lot of time with Stanley, Brenna's dog and we've really bonded. He is a lovely boy but very excitable.

I'm now at home again, as Janna was getting lonely. Also I've got to start walking around our local streets on the footpath. I'm really nervous about it as our footpaths are really cracked and broken after the earthquakes and I'm frightened of tripping and landing on that troublesome implant. I plan to take one crutch and Janna with me when I go for a walk today, although i never use a crutch at home any more. I guess it's a confidence thing and I'll get better at it. it's funny but it's quite different when you have two knees replaced.. Most people I've spoken to have had only one knee replaced and that's easier to cope with, but having both knees replaced is funny. An implant never feels like your real knee, so you sort of feel as if your walking is odd. You never feel completely stable. Don't mind me ladies - I'm just having a wee moan.

I've got more x-rays at the hospital on Thursday and then I see my physio, Rainer, next Tuesday. He's a lovely young man and very supportive.

I haven't been up to much else, I'm afraid. Janna has been working and cats are all well. freddie seems OK again and is eating and drinking and using the litter box as normal. Snoddie still wobbles around but it doesn't seem to bother him, so I'm not stressing him out any more by having more tests. I don't know what to do about his teeth but again, he's not bothered by them. I'm going to get them shaved shortly. I kept putting it off because Freddie was unwell, but they have matts and they'll feel much more comfortable without all that fur in the hot weather.
Egg and bacon pie for tea tonight with salad . Nice and easy. I've got a mountain of washing to fold as well so that will keep me busy.

PAMELA, you have been busy at work lately. Gosh, soon you'll be CEO of the whole company !!! Seriously though, the boss must trust you and rely on you to do the job. Good for you girl .I thought of you at Halloween and wondered how your display went. As usual, it sounds as if it was a real hit with the kids. I know that you and your neighbour go to a lot of trouble each year. The kids will be sad if you have moved house by next halloween. I hope you had a good few days off and spent some quality time with .Steven. I bet he enjoyed his days off as well. Did you get what you wanted at Ikea? That house of yours sounds super .What did you think of The Jackal? I haven't seen it but I have read the book Fancy your dad being in Thailand. I'm glad he's enjoying himself and soaking up the sun I trust Mia, Robyn and Skye are all fit and well. Sorry poor Mia was scared of the fireworks. I personally think private use of fireworks should be banned and we should just have public displays instead. Too many animals are terrified. I read that some poor woman had to have her beautiful horse PTS because some morons let off firecrackers next to its paddock and it was so spooked that it ran into a fence and cut itself badly. Similar things seem to happen every year and it's disgusting. Pamela, I hope you have a good week at work and that your weather improves a bit for you. I'll send you over a bit of sun from here if you like.

SHELLEY, how are you doing after your wee holiday in Scotland? Probably you're back at work now and gearing up for Christmas. I hope Howard is also doing well. The pups will be feeling the cold now but I know they have lovely jackets to wear.Do you still have wild birds that visit you? We've got Jack and Vera that come about 3-4 times a day and bang on the glass conservatory window with their bills if we don't feed them straight away. The cats are intrigued. I know Willow would have been too. We also have Enzo and her baby, Salty ,our giant seagull and his friends and all the smaller wee wild birds. I hope your dad is doing well and looking forward to Christmas with Jett. I guess he'll be spending Christmas day with you. You have a good week Shelley.

Well ladies, I better get off this horrid computer chair as it's starting to hurt. It must be the shape of it. Still no sign of the Harry calendars yet. I keep checking the website but I'll ask at the hospital on Thursday. They should have been ready by now.

Have a great week Pamela and Shelley, and don't work too hard.

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11-11-2024, 07:13 PM   #2

Re: Monday Daily.

Evening ladies, nice to hear from you, Dinky.
Im glad you are coping OK with your new knees, it must feel strange, I've never thought about it before.
Been very busy at work, it's great to be back with the whole team in our lovely building.
The dogs are ok but Malaika is showing her age now, she will be 15 on new years eve.
Dads doing well and Jet's fine. He's been on a couple of holidays and due to go on another soon.
Dad coming to us at Christmas and friends are having Jet, Kwame won't tolerate another dog and would sadly fight to the death.
Pamela, how are you doing?
Your dad sounds as if he's having a great time in Thailand.
Wonder how we will all meet when catsey closes, any ideas?

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