lost cat?
theres been a cat outside on the green bit infront of our house, which is infront of like 10 houses in this block. Its been hanging around here the last few weeks, just kinda, sitting. Hes really skinny and doesnt look like hes been grooming himself. The only tag he has is one that says 'im on a diet, please dont feed me'. But he looks seriously underweight, u can see his bones.
I went out to him today, and this woman came out and asked if he was mine and i said no. she has also been worrying about him.
So ive gone and put a note on his collar that says for the owner to read and call me as im worried. so i guess if its still there in next couple of days then he might not have a home.
I dont have a pet carrier to take him to the vet to see if he has a chip, and vets is closed now so cant ask if any cats have been reported missing.
any ideaS? i really want to give him something to eat, but if he has an owner, then i dont want him to move in with me.