Hi all
Well Oliver's been put on a diet. Science Plan r/d I think its called..
He seems to be starving. I'm giving him 55 grams a day (it says for a 5 kg cat (the weight he should down on atleast!!!) that he should have between 50 and 75 grams). When he gets his food, he swallows it all and then throw it up. Not every time but once in a while..
He's fed 2 times a day. Should I try feeding him 3 times instead? 5.30 am (when Luna gets breakkie), 5 pm (when Luna gets dinner) and then before bedtime which is around 9-10 pm..
Today after he threw it all up (and he doesnt eat it afterwards) I took a new portion, but instead of giving him the bowl, I spread half the portion on the kitchen table instead, so he could eat (and chew) one kibble at a time, but he aint touching it.. yet...
Any ideas?? No foodball thingy, cos I dont have a carpet, but have a vacuuming labrador, so Oliver would never get anything to eat