This really is a tale that proves cats can change their minds and that a comfy bed never goes out of fashion
Kizzy was given this bed in May 2009, not long after she came to live with us. But when Pip kitten arrived only about 3 months afterwards he took a dislike to the bed and repeatedly pee'd in it. YUK. So it got washed and washed again until finally it got washed for the last time and put away in the airing cupboard.
Today the weather was horrid, it was cold and rained on and off all day. Kizzy and Pip were in for the day and I wondered how to keep them safe and out of Monty's way so I got out the bed and put it under my desk where I was working. Not 5 minutes later, young Pip was in there, making butter on the cushiony sides, purring and eventually settling in for a snooze.
I left the room to go and make lunch, followed by Pip. Came back with a sandwich and a hot drink and who now was again resident in the do'nut bed? My lovely Kizzy had hopped in to a nice warm bed and she stayed there all afternoon!
It's out of the way and dark under the desk, but I will try and get some new photos in due course.
Hope you like this little saga