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07-05-2023, 06:19 AM   #1

Drizzly Sunday as well.

Good morning ladies
Sunday 4;25pm here and it's been a drizzly old day, but the rain hasn't been heavy enough to cause any flooding. I believe it's very bad at the top of the South Island though with heaps of flooding in the streets. Another day i haven't been out anywhere ,but I've been watching the highlights of the King's coronation on TV. I watched some of it live last night until it got too cold and Snoddy wanted me to go to bed with him.

Janna still isn't 100%. She's not going to go into work tomorrow again but will go back on Tuesday when she's working a shorter shift from 7am-1pm. I'll be walking down to the bus stop with her at 6am, as it really isn't safe. and it's so dark down by the river with no street lights. What I might do ,though, is get on the bus with Janna, rather than sit alone at the bus stop until it gets lighter. I could then bus into the interchange and wait there until my local bus comes on and catch that to come home. At least it would be light then. I'd have to wait at the interchange for around 45 minutes as my local bus service doesn't start until after 7am, but i will bring a book with me and at least there will be other people waiting there too. Don't know why I didn't think of that before.

My cousin hasn't been feeling well over the past few days. I am now ringing her every morning - sometimes she answers and sometimes she doesn't, but she never comes round here any more. I still have all her stuff here in my spare room and in the garage. !!! I've got a feeling that's where it will all remain.

I went online this afternoon and purchased a white noise machine for Oren to use in his room at night. Paddy had one when he was a child and it did calm him enough so he could finally sleep., and so I think it will help Oren. I had a heck of a job finding one that I wanted. I found heaps of ones for little children and babies but that wasn't what i was looking for. I wanted white noise/fan sounds that are purely designed for relaxation for adults. Finally managed to track them down in Australia thank goodness, so not too far away. Paddy still has his one on every night and wouldn't give it to Oren, but this one I purchased is the same brand and model.

Just something light for tea tonight - maybe chicken tenders and an egg.

PAMELA, sorry you're having drizzly weather as well. I hope it cleared up enough for you to test ride the bikes yesterday Oh no, your hayfever is still bad and you can't get in to a doctor. Just keep trying Pamela. You must get in eventually .I'm glad you had a nice break in Birmingham but what a pain that your meal out wasn't so good. How was your friend when you saw him again ? Also ,I hope the girls behaved themselves for .Steven. I'm sure they were really good. I'm also hoping that your niece has heard some good news about her job by now.

SHELLEY, I bet you have been busy since you got home from the van. There's always heaps to do when you've been away. I hope your family gathering yesterday went well You'll be looking forward to that special church service today and then the BBQ later. Is this to celebrate the coronation as well ?. I thought the coronation was lovely to watch I was pleased to see that Harry was present but it's a pity he wasn't able to stay a bit longer and attempt some sort of reconciliation with his father and brother.

Well ladies, I'm off now to see about tea. Hopefully this rain will stop soon and the cats can go outside for a while.

Have a great Sunday Pamela and Shelley.

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07-05-2023, 08:13 AM   #2

Re: Drizzly Sunday as well.

Good morning ladies,

its dry here for now. Hopefully stays that way.

Dinky glad to hear you havent had any flooding. fingers crossed it stays that way!! Sorry to hear Janna still isnt very well, i do hope she feels better soon. Your idea of getting on the bus sounds like a good one so you arent walking back when its dark and no one around. Sounds like there may be a bug going round if your cousin is poorly as well.

The white noise machine sounds like a good idea. Hopefully Oren will respond to it and help him sleep.

Shelley, did you enjoy watching the coronation? How was your service you attended? I must admit we didnt watch it but we do have good reason!! I agree though, through watching the highlights it was good to see Harry there as well albeit for a short time.

We were out looking at the bikes yesterday. We ended up getting a new one each!! We pick them up in 2 weeks. Looking forward to it but will be sad to see my current bike go as it has been a great first bike but i need a lighter one that i can move around. We are going to the golf range today i think as we havent been in a couple of weeks and i have a lesson in Tuesday so need to get a bit of practice in before it!! I have also booked cinema tickets for us for later to go see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie we are big Marvel fans! I am off tomorrow but Steven has to work so it will be a chill TV day i think. I was toying with going and seeing my dad but i selfishly want a day to myself. He was meant to be going to Benidorm with his friends today but his passport didnt arrive on time but tbh i think its for the best after his most recent health scare last week. wont do him any harm to miss out on it. he will be away plenty more this year!!

Have a great day ladies

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