Given all the christmas threads flying about I wonder do you have a routine for Christmas day.........................?
Mine has evolved over the years and come up with a brilliant plan for Christmas day, get up about 8 ish, breakfast boiled egg and toast or scrambled egg and bacon. Then take Sal for a walk, then home and dressed and then off to my sisters to see the children (who are all 16+ now no idea where the years have gone) exchange presents, spend a couple of hours. On the way back visit my brothers and exchange presents (he has all his wifes family so I go in see the children then off home to start the dinner) leave Mom and Dad there, where Dad goes for a Christmas drink with my brother and family. Mom may go or stay with Lizzie, so my SIL can go this year.
Depending on who is coming for dinner I will then go and get them, and then pop off to get the parents.
Have starter and then I take Sal for a quick walk, while they all sort themselves out.
Get back have dinner, and I take Sal out for a lovely long walk nowadays just me and the dog, get home and exchange presents from the tree.
Then dependant on how long I have been out we could have Christmas pudding.
While they all have a sleep (eye resting sesssion) I will wash up.
Then TV watching normaly Noel Edmonds Christmas presents (sky+) then more sleeping and maybe a little more sleeping. Take the dog out again then return guests to their homes. Pop in see my brother and family, home again and turkey sarnies..........YEAH.
Boxing day has become a day nothing
, and a family meal out at a resturant.
and reading of books.