Originally Posted by dinahsmum
Wow - I can't believe what 'you young people' (  ) are happy to pay for your connectivity! What a lot of money  £420 a year - a holiday! or half a new sofa, or a flat screen TV or a meal out for two every month.
I hate mobiles and the way they make you 'available' at all times. I have one but I put about £40 a year, max, in, on pay as you go - it's for emergencies only and only about 6 people have the number. I don't expect to get calls on it, don't normally make calls on it - I do that on the landline and after 6 and at weekends when it is free.
Bah, Humbug (again - I said that yesterday too)
(Ever had that feeling you are of a different generation?
... but I acknowledge that this is now and things are as they are and mobiles can be extremely useful at times when you're not at home.
Enjoy your iPhone, if you get it, meep - I'd take the holiday instead 
I completely appreciate your thinking on this DM. As a student I was on a tight budget and would also been along the same thinking, that a mobile could be less important than other things to spend the money on. I probably put £10 a month into my mobile as a student. But for 'my generation' mobiles are pretty much an essential to social communication. not that my friends would disown me without one, but I can text me friends, my dad etc. every second day instead of a phone call (although I will still call every 2 weeks), and if you have one important thing you need to say, a quick text gets the message across. It also means you can leave a message for someone via text if they're not picking up their phone. I just find them hugely useful, and as I said, I couldn't imagine not having my phone on me. It makes me feel closer to a lot of my friends who are far away since moving away after Uni, as I can just pick up the phone and in 2 secs have sent a wee "hello! how are you? saw this and thought of you" message and have a quick chat with them. it's nice
Now I'm no longer a student and on a decent wage, the iPhone is a dream for me

Literally, I dreamt that I had one last night, hence why I went into the store today! And I admit it's expensive when added together, but I personally would rather spend that on something I can have all year, than £420 on one holiday that would last one week and then be over. I actually prefer to spend my money on objects than holidays, and whilst I love travelling, always think they're so expensive they're a bit of a luxury. Whereas £35 / month for a phone I could enjoy every day seems more logical to me
It really is amazing what you can do with it though. And my job does have me travelling around a bit, so I can still access emails and the internet whereever I am, whilst travelling on the train etc.
It is interesting how different 'generations' see value in different things. I know I'm part of a materialistic generation, but I personally don't buy into a lot of the immediate, consumerist satisfaction a lot of students did at Uni, such as buying a new outfit everytime they went out.
Let's just call the iPhone my indulgence