Oh my what a hectic last 2 days! And very sad too but thankfully a happy ending
We had a scare with our 8 year old girl Sliver on Wednesday.
Sliver was getting down from one of their cat beds, then she just suddenly collapsed & couldn't get back up...We sat down with her to see if she was okay but she wasn't.
Our poor girl was panting, drooling all over, she even peed on herself which is not her at all...We were frantic

Off to the emergency vet we went!
Silver was lifeless, she could barely lift her head. She got X-Rays, Blood Work, Tests for her heart...you name it! The vet said her heart rate was over 400 beats per minute.
Eventually we found out that her heart walls were thick & now she has medication to help the blood flow better through her heart
Sliver is almost back to her normal self, shes just very tired & she won't leave our sides now - our sweet girl! We were so worried

But thankfully shes doing okay now!
Even the vet says what a change shes made from how she was before...Good news!
Slivers age is starting to show - shes our oldest