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pamela81's Avatar
Catsey Veteran
Cats owned: 2 domestic short haired
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,950
02-05-2016, 08:33 AM   #1

Bank holiday monday

Morning everyone. It's s miserable wet bank holiday here today! ! We got soaked walking the dogs this morning even with waterproofs on!! Poor barney was soaking but mia had s jacket on as she really feels the cold and wet.

I'm working today which is a bit ironic given I work for a bank!! Only in until 130pm though then home to try and groom/clip the dogs.

Hope the weather is better where you are!!

Chin tickles to all ur furbabies x

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Almost a Veteran Member
Cats owned: Colourpoint persian, and moggies
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 1,231
02-05-2016, 11:12 AM   #2

Re: Bank holiday monday

Good morning Pamela and all to follow. Fancy having to work on a bank holiday. Poor you. And walking dogs in the rain is no fun, I know.Anyway you can relax when you return from work and groom the dogs. it's really relaxing grooming animals,I find. My cats are groomed weekly and they love it, all that is apart from Snodgrass who has the longest fur.
It's Monday evening here and it's been a lovely warm day. Unfortunately I've been at work all day and it's dark when I get home. Been trying to pack everything into boxes ready for the EQC repairs to begin. It's a nightmare. Got a quote from the furniture removal guys as all our stuff has to be put into storage for at least 3 months - almost $4000.00 Hopefully my insurance company will accept it.

I'm off to bed now. Hope everyone has a great day and love to all Catsey furbabies.

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