Well today my Sal decided to proudly bring in her bone (well a gumabone)...sadly the thing that came in with her bore little resemblance to the gumabone I know and buy from supermarkets. This "sad article" has obviously been buried for some time well not sure how long they need to be buried to get that look may have to start "CSI-ing them" [IMG]http://www.*********forum.co.uk/images/default/sml_pos.png[/IMG] however when I side tracked her with another I placed the "article" with no formal ceremony (due to time constraints) ie Sal coming back in the room to the rubbish bin.
She buries nothing but these gumabones oh and the occasional "smoked bone" she does not have them often.....does anyone else have a dog with - gravedigger tendencies....????
Oh meant to say she does not try to eat the once dug up just carries the around proudly then reburies them unless I get to them first