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22-01-2011, 11:50 PM   #1

Brain Teasers

I found these on another website. Do not scroll down to the next post until you have answered the questions.

Q1) Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?

Q2) Sam's mother had 4 children in all. The first one was named May. The second and third were called June and July respectively. What was the fourth child's name?

Q3) You are driving some people around in a bus. Four people get in at the first stop and three get off. Seven people get off at the second stop and five get on. At the third stop, two get off and six more get on. What would you say is the color of the driver's eyes?

Q4) Is it legal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

Q5) A man and a son were driving home one rainy night. They had an accident. The father died on the spot. The people who were nearby took the son to the emergency room. The surgeon refused to operate on the boy, saying "I cannot operate on him, he's my son!" How is that possible?

Q6) A man wearing black clothes, black shoes and a black hat is walking down a street. The street lamps are all off. A black car, with its headlights off, comes speeding down the road, but screeches to a halt, just before hitting the man. How did the driver see the man?

Q7) I get wet while I dry. Who am I?

Q8 ) An airplane crashed into a field. Every single person in the aircraft died. But two people survived. How come?

Q9) Peacocks are birds that do not lay eggs. Then how do baby peacocks arrive into this world?

Q10) A man makes a claim that he can predict the exact score of every football game, before it begins. And he's always right. How's that possible?

Answers in next post

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22-01-2011, 11:56 PM   #2

Re: Brain Teasers


Q1) Stop imagining

Q2) Sam

Q3) Check the mirror. You were driving the bus, remember?

Q4) No because he is alive

Q5) The surgeon was his mother.

Q6) It was daytime.

Q7) A towel

Q8 ) They were married

Q9) The peahen lays the eggs

Q10) He says that the score before every football game begins is 0-0.

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23-01-2011, 12:13 AM   #3

Re: Brain Teasers

lol, i got the first couple, they made sense if you thought about it, then i got lostfrom around Q6!

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23-01-2011, 12:15 AM   #4

Re: Brain Teasers

Question 6 I assumed it was night, don't know whether you made that mistake lynz

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23-01-2011, 12:18 AM   #5

Re: Brain Teasers

yes! that was it exactly! i thought q8 was that they were in the cockpit or something!

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23-01-2011, 12:27 AM   #6

Re: Brain Teasers

I'm putting what I thought in bold
Originally Posted by rescuecatsrule

Q1) Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?
Sink the boat

Q2) Sam's mother had 4 children in all. The first one was named May. The second and third were called June and July respectively. What was the fourth child's name?

Q3) You are driving some people around in a bus. Four people get in at the first stop and three get off. Seven people get off at the second stop and five get on. At the third stop, two get off and six more get on. What would you say is the color of the driver's eyes?
What's that got to do with anything? Haven't a clue.

Q4) Is it legal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?
No (but not for the reason the answer gives - I thought he needed to be buried where he'd lived)

Q5) A man and a son were driving home one rainy night. They had an accident. The father died on the spot. The people who were nearby took the son to the emergency room. The surgeon refused to operate on the boy, saying "I cannot operate on him, he's my son!" How is that possible?
Thought he was a sperm donor or something so had fathered the child that way

Q6) A man wearing black clothes, black shoes and a black hat is walking down a street. The street lamps are all off. A black car, with its headlights off, comes speeding down the road, but screeches to a halt, just before hitting the man. How did the driver see the man?
The man was carrying a torch

Q7) I get wet while I dry. Who am I?
Had not got a clue so skipped this one.

Q8 ) An airplane crashed into a field. Every single person in the aircraft died. But two people survived. How come?
Thought they were clinging on to the outside of the aircraft somehow

Q9) Peacocks are birds that do not lay eggs. Then how do baby peacocks arrive into this world?
Got this one right - said peahen

Q10) A man makes a claim that he can predict the exact score of every football game, before it begins. And he's always right. How's that possible?
My honest response was don't know don't care

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23-01-2011, 05:06 PM   #7

Re: Brain Teasers

Originally Posted by rescuecatsrule
Q1) Imagine that you are in a boat, in the middle of the sea. Suddenly you are surrounded by hungry sharks, just waiting to feed on you. How can you put an end to this?

I said to myself start the boat engine and get outta there!

Q2) Sam's mother had 4 children in all. The first one was named May. The second and third were called June and July respectively. What was the fourth child's name?

I said August to start with, but then realised this is the same question as in my other thread, so realised it was Sam.

Q3) You are driving some people around in a bus. Four people get in at the first stop and three get off. Seven people get off at the second stop and five get on. At the third stop, two get off and six more get on. What would you say is the color of the driver's eyes?

I had no idea about this one, but tried adding and subtracting all the people!!!

Q4) Is it legal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

I thought poor chap, I expect he could be buried wherever he wanted!

Q5) A man and a son were driving home one rainy night. They had an accident. The father died on the spot. The people who were nearby took the son to the emergency room. The surgeon refused to operate on the boy, saying "I cannot operate on him, he's my son!" How is that possible?

This one says "a son", so I thought the father and son weren't even related.

Q6) A man wearing black clothes, black shoes and a black hat is walking down a street. The street lamps are all off. A black car, with its headlights off, comes speeding down the road, but screeches to a halt, just before hitting the man. How did the driver see the man?

Actually got this one right!

Q7) I get wet while I dry. Who am I?

Had no idea about this one at all!

Q8 ) An airplane crashed into a field. Every single person in the aircraft died. But two people survived. How come?

Took me a while to realise the answer to this one could be right! I questioned the answer!

Q9) Peacocks are birds that do not lay eggs. Then how do baby peacocks arrive into this world?

Didn't believe the question and got no further .....

Q10) A man makes a claim that he can predict the exact score of every football game, before it begins. And he's always right. How's that possible?

Thought he might be a time traveller!
Good one RCR!

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23-01-2011, 11:39 PM   #8

Re: Brain Teasers

Glad it was enjoyed

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