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06-05-2010, 09:27 AM   #1

Drizzly Thursday

Morning everyone,
Not the best of days for us. Taken the car for it's MOT, so sitting he scared waiting for a phone call.
The worst thing is Tom has to go to the vets, he's run out of Feliway tablets and was due a blood test on 21 st, however vets insisting he has one 3 weeks early.
Since i rang them on Tue he seems to have gone down hill and has developed quite a few probs.
His appointment is around tea time.
Still not decided where to cast my vote either.

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06-05-2010, 09:40 AM   #2

Re: Drizzly Thursday

TOTALLY forgot it was election day today. Also totally forgot that Dominik had a visit to the Swindon Steam Museum so didn't do his packed lunch, as a result of his teacher waving madly at me to attract my attention I had to run from bakery to corner shop getting bits together for him after dropping him off

Have a few minutes in the office now then running off to do an interview and then back here to tick off a member of staff for unautorhised absense - I'm not good at dealing with 'issues' so am not looking forward to it.

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06-05-2010, 11:10 AM   #3

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Morning all. I am off to potter over to vote before the rain comes, my first venture out since the op luckily only at the top of the road. A lovely lovely day so far please see my other thread. http://www.catsey.com/showthread.php...783#post602783

Yola its a wonder some days you recall your head so busy is your life, but I bet Domi enjoyed his makeshift lunch better than something you had worried over. Food is food.
I hate discipline issues in work too but have to be done. Will be thinking of you.

Shelley what is it about MOT's that have us scared silly its like we fail if the car does. Hope Tom is okay at the vets.

Everyone have a good day. I intend to. Feel good too but still taking it easy, a nice chat to Elaine last night well I spoke she listened....sorry my only explination Elaine is I am going stir crazy.....

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Phoenix's Avatar
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06-05-2010, 01:40 PM   #4

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Afternoon all

Dylan's out causing trouble at the moment he's squaring up to the ginger and white cat probably, wanting to fight - either that or he's after the rats again (he's in a fighting mood)

Luckily we've had no rats yesterday or today.

Have no idea which way to vote though ...

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06-05-2010, 03:55 PM   #5

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Today they came back to fit the water softener, having sourced replacement flexible pipes. Turns out the stop-tap under the sink had to be moved as it wouldn't be accessible once the softener was in place in front of it. In order to do this they had to turn off the water supply to the house at the main stop-tap in the pavement at the front of the property. Except that they couldn't do it as it had seized up and their special "turning-off" tool was starting to bend! So......... they had to phone the water company as this tap belonged to them and they would have to come out and do it, they couldn't say when they would be out but it would be within the next 10 days!!!! Plumber packed up and went home, 1 hour later the water company turned up and managed to release the main stop-tap. Now we just have to wait for the plumber to get back here (won't be today ) and get on with the job! Grrrrrr!

Now my big decision of the day is whether to go and vote this afternoon, or have some more tea and biscuits and go out later, or wait until after dinner and go out and do it this evening. I know who I'll be voting for, it's just a question of when.

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dandysmom's Avatar
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06-05-2010, 04:19 PM   #6

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Hi, all. Lovely day still, 25 C (76 F), and cloudless skies. So nice I had breakfast on the porch; no errands so a sleep-in.

Hope all have voted now and that the lines weren't too horrendous. Yola, I agree with Kazz, you do have such a hectic life; bet Domi did enjoy his lunch and will have fun at the Museum. Shelley, sorry to hear about Tom, and hope the MOT goes well. MrsH, what an unbelievable set of problems getting that water softener installed. I had that problem with the inside water cut-off being seized up; they couldn't get it to work and had to shut off the water at the outside main, what a nuisance. RCR, did Dylan end up fighting or ratting?

Leia has me a bit worried, she threw up her breakfast; seems OK otherwise; I hope it was just earing too fast. Am keeping a close eye on her; will see if she wants lunch .......

Hope the day goes well for all.

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06-05-2010, 04:50 PM   #7

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Hello all! Sorry for being late, but OH and I have been out again today!!! Today was MUCH more expensive than last Thursday, as we have bought a new bed. Ours is 26 years old, so we felt we deserved a new one. Lashed out a bit too. OH is 6ft 6ins tall and a standard King is only just big enough. The store man said that the company that makes the bed we liked do custom lengths and do you know how much extra it cost to have another 4 ins in length??? £100 was all. Couldn't believe that. OH could have had a more comfortable bed ages ago. And now Pip won't be able to attack his toes while he's asleep!!! 4 weeks to delivery. I can't wait.

Hope that MOT goes well Shelley and that Tom's vet visit isn't too bad. Fingers crossed for the wee man.

We have postal votes here, so have already voted. Eileen's comment about lines made me chuckle. I am not sure I have ever seen a queue at a Voting Station. We went past two today, one twice and only the second time was there any sign of life, apart from a Teller.

I hope Domi enjoyed the Steam Museum. My uncle was a train driver and used to drive steam locos for GWR from Swindon. I have just found out that my grandfather was a "Boiler-maker's holder up" which was a devil of a job and all the men went deaf.

That's some hold up MrsH for your water softener. Hope your plumbers can come back tomorrow.

Wonder what the results of the election will be? I am NOT staying up to watch the results coming in.

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06-05-2010, 06:58 PM   #8

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Originally Posted by dandysmom
RCR, did Dylan end up fighting or ratting?

Leia has me a bit worried, she threw up her breakfast; seems OK otherwise; I hope it was just earing too fast. Am keeping a close eye on her; will see if she wants lunch .......

Hope the day goes well for all.
Don't know, think he was fighting though.

How's Leia now DM?

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06-05-2010, 07:10 PM   #9

Re: Drizzly Thursday

I hope the car passed Shelly.

Well I had a nice day today - hairdresser popped over and did my hair trial for the wedding. It went very well - shame she cannot do it on the day but hopefully the hairdresser in Italy will be able to copy what she has done and we have taken loads of photos.

Then met up with my mum for a dress rehersal so she could practice lacing my wedding dress up. Then we popped out for lunch and I then went to the gym (still with my hair partly in the wedding style lol but I loved it so much I don't want to take it out!!)

Have a good evening everybody .

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dandysmom's Avatar
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06-05-2010, 07:55 PM   #10

Re: Drizzly Thursday

Angie, re your comment about no lines, I remember in our '08 election I posted a pic of the queue at the polling place snaking out the door and all the way down the block; that's quite normal here. I remember that there were several posts expressing astonishment; and that in turn astonished me! It can take anywhere from a half hour to an hour sometimes to vote; wonder why it is so different?

RCR, she ate lunch and is napping now, seems perfectly fine. They do worry us, don't they?

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