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Kazz's Avatar
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12-05-2010, 11:22 AM   #1

Anniversary Wednesday

Morning all.

3 weeks Post Op today and feeling good.....duh duh duh....(think of the tune to the
song...I'm feeling good..)

Yes a little stir crazy.....today.. Sainsburys have delivered the shopping I am
pleased to say. Back in control...YEAH...

Having chicken breast in red wine and mushroom sauce (sainsburys cooking range)
having mine with chips...Yes chips....whoohoo....

Not planning on doing anything more than agentle walk round the garden the
weather is okay neither here nor there.

Feeling good though and hoping Yola you are feeling as good. Have an
excellent day all.

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pinklizzy's Avatar
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12-05-2010, 12:01 PM   #2

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

Glad you're feeling good Kazz!
My sickness has come back this morning and feeling a bit lightheaded so not planning on doing much today, apart from maybe some knitting.
Darcy and Imogen have been playing all morning, now both flaked out on the sofa together
Hope you're feeling better today Yola, have a good day everyone

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12-05-2010, 02:41 PM   #3

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

Hi Kazz, Pinklizzy! Glad you're feeling OK Kazz - congrats on 3 week post op Anniversary! Sorry you're feeling sicky Liz - not that I know anything about it, but I am sure that I read somewhere that lettuce is good for dispelling the sick feeling - not sure if that's just an old wives' tale though.

Bit of family history news now - I have found out that I have a famous Scottish ancestor! I had heard a rumour years ago that there was someone medical in our FH, but never knew the details. Googled him yesterday - he sounds a bit mad, but if you can amputate a leg in 90 seconds, I think you'd have to be. His name was Robert Liston.

Kizzy has to go to the vet this afternoon for her annual check and booster jabs. She has a new catnip mouse waiting for her attention when she comes home. So far, she's been good at the vet - but tends to have an accident in the carrier on the way home. Poor girlie. She actually received a letter from the vet, addressed to me, but started "Dear Kizzy" - reminding her to remind me to make her appointment. I think that's lovely!

It's still chilly here - blue sky and white clouds. When the sun comes out, the heat seems quite fierce, but the undertone is cold, if that makes any sense at all. I covered my plants last night, but I don't think we had a frost. North of the Downs did though and a friend of OH has had his potatoes frosted.

QUIZ tonight - please come and join in if you can - all are welcome. 8.00ish.

Have a good day everyone.

Sorry - forgot to ask Yola if she's feeling any better???

Edited to say: We did have a frost last night - was just talking to a neighbour and he said his grass was white in the shady parts of the garden.

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12-05-2010, 03:58 PM   #4

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

Hope Yola and Kazz feeling better.

I've been at work this morning (having lunch while typing now)

Couldn't post Dylan's birthday thread yesterday (Dylan went to the vets - claws) Lovely present for Dylan wasn't it? particularly as there was a dog there who Dylan didn't like so he was hissing at the dog then when it was his turn to see the vet he was struggling to get away, jumped back in his carrier and was generally a wriggle bum

A present arrived for Dylan from HappyKatz - Dylan loves it, he's beating it up now! (catnip ball among other toys)

Edit: Sorry Kazz, didn't read your post properly

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12-05-2010, 04:39 PM   #5

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

Hi all, Weather took a turn for the better: 20 C (68 F) and mostly sunny; good to have had the rain yesterday. No errands, slept in and spent some time in the garden trimming back the Virginia creeper which goes mad and overruns everything; that and the bamboo were the biggest garden mistakes I've ever made: a jungle out there. An well, I have a flower, hopefully to be a fruit soon, one one tomato and the potatoes are looking good,

Glad you're keeping amused, Kazz, does not seem like three weeks! Hope Yola is OK, and PL, that you feel better soon. Angie, I know Kizzy will be glad to be home and enjoying her new mouse; how interesting about the famous doctor. Off to wish Dylan a happy birthday.

QUIZ tonight at 8!!

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12-05-2010, 04:46 PM   #6

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

I will do my best to attend the quiz...as long as I do not fall asleep.....

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calismum's Avatar
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12-05-2010, 05:35 PM   #7

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

Hi all, warm here if you can avoid the slight breeze which has quite a chill to it. We had snow yesterday can you believe.

Glad you feel good Kazz. Sorry you don't feel so good PL, but you have a great reason to feel the way you do!

Wow angieh - you have a bit of Scottish blood then - will have a google later.

Not a great birthday for DYlan RCR if you had him to the vet

DM - I've planted some Virginia Creeper to quickly cover the oil tank. I'll hope it will be reasonably contained and I can hack it back if it gets too out of hand - hope that wasn't a huge mistake on my part.

I'm quizmaster tonight for the quiz at 8 - do join us for a chat and a bit of brain strain lol

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12-05-2010, 05:38 PM   #8

Re: Anniversary Wednesday

Hello everyone, been super busy today. Work this morning (that was the easy part), then feeding the pets and myself, washing. Then off to the park to walk Malaika who only managed to find two old men Dogs to try to play with.
One, a nice golden lab wanted to mooch in the bushes so she followed him around. I so wish we hadn't lost our big old dog, Max, i'm sure they would have got on so well.
Then back home to cut the grass.
Tom is much less itchy now and i can actualy groom him a bit without him getting all twitchy.
Sorry you were feeling sick PL, hopefully it's passed now.
Great to hear your feeling well Kazz.
Angie, how interesting to find a relative, what else have you learned about him ?

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