Unravelling the twisted web of lies..
Good evening everybody, I'm Kyle Loyd, CTR3 in the United States Navy. I know over time you've seen multiple posts from a user here named "Socks" and by the name of Allison. This girl used to be my girlfriend back from January 2007 to about June 2008. Apparently, the whole time I was going out with her she was posting on these forums about all kinds of things that were completely untrue. Let me clarify everything for everybody.
First of all, I've never been to California and probably won't be going to California ever in my career. I never proposed to her and also never went to a family reunion. Finally, not only did she not have a job at the time, but she also wasn't stabbed and left by a bank.
Now, I'm sorry for any problems this may have caused. Honestly, I don't know any reason why she would ever post any of these things. I'm absolutely disgusted and embarrassed by these ficticious stories she has told all of you. I am so very sorry.