Originally Posted by louise_81
Most reputable rescues will home check which is where pet shops fall down , in my opinion, as they pander to the want it now culture that seems to have sprouted in society.
Not all. Our Cats Protection have a fair few taken from a local charity which have been in shocking state. Unfortunately they (the other charity) do not do homing visits, which means anyone can take them in including people who have abused cats. All they ask for their cats (and kittens) is £50. They also just give them their first vaccination, and very often we have found that people who have got them from there are unaware they need a second.
Strangely they chip their dogs, but not their cats. Unfortunately because they are an independent charity and not a branch of the RSPCA etc, so there is nothing that can be done. I think that charities should adhere to minimum standards, just like all branches of the Cats Protection has to. I think that pet shops should be banned from selling dogs and cats, and larger animals (ferrets etc).
We had a cat once in our shelter who had being swung by the tail, and it makes me sad that the person (or anyone else who abandons pets like they do with last year's clothes) can just go ahead and get another one just like that. Or people who have very little money and think that they can feed their cats cheap and crappy food. IF they were made to do a home visit then perhaps they would think twice and it would encourage responsible pet ownership. Similarly anyone who has been found guilty of pet ownership should spend time at a rescue place and see what it takes to get a cat back to full health and then perhaps it would drum in some common sense into them.