Hello All
Hope everyone is well. Billy is fine, eating well and has an opinion on everything as usual!
I've noticed recently that his coat has become greasy and he's picked up a few very small mats like he did this time last year. The mats are tiny as mum does a great job of grooming him (he wanders around in ecstasy when you get the brush out and I'm just not agile enough to keep up with him!

I would like to ask two questions:
1) Do any fellow Maine Coon/long haired owners have quiet clippers they could recommend to me? We have a comb with a button on the handle that also makes it a trimmer but it's not as good as clippers for tackling mats. I don't want to take him to the vet if I don't have to as he finds it incredibly stressful now after the visit in January and I can usually get him to do things for me that would freak him out at the vets because he's in the comfort of his own home and we go at his pace and stop when he's hand enough.
2) Has anyone with a cat on Fortekor or Vidalta noticed a greasy coat as a side effect of the medication? As I say he's responded to both medications really well in general and I was just wondering if it might explain his greasy coat.