Hi everyone!
Just found this forum so I thought the best post to do first was an introduction
I'm Gill, married to Neil and living in Northumberland. We are owned by two beautiful girls called Chilli and Lily who have ruled our lives since being adopted two years ago
Before them we did long-term fostering of old and terminally ill cats for a small local charity and found it
so satisfying. The lady who runs the charity knows to call us if any oldies in need come to her notice but, for now, she hasn't had any. Our last oldie was darling Hattie who was with us for 8 pampered-and-spoilt-rotten months after three years of neglect. She passed to Rainbow Bridge in June 2015 and we still miss her funny little ways
so much!!! Since 2009 we have fostered 10 cats in need and they've all been such wonderful characters - I'll tell you more about them in another post otherwise this one will be umpteen pages long!
I love all animals (tho' not quite as much as my purrfect felines obviously
) and enjoy watching birds and wildlife and would love to have another dog one day (am I allowed to mention the D Word
) but that is a dream for another day as Chilli gets incredibly stressed out around them and I won't upset her unnecessarily by bringing one home. We tried earlier this year and it
really didn't work out
I also
LOVE gardening and have an allotment on which I grow flowers and vegetables. I took it on in February this year and have had so much fun and learnt so much already......and cannot wait to get stuck in next year and grow even more!
I'm a huge reader and always got a book or magazine on me (currently reading Tom Cox's new book Close Encounters of the Furred Kind). I enjoy writing 'proper' letters to penfriends and have a few cat-loving friends in Australia and the USA as well as the UK. And as if I didn't have enough to keep me busy I've also recently taken up my childhood hobby of painting and sketching after a 25+ years break! I'm utter rubbish compared to how I was as a child but I find it relaxing and have two gorgeous models in Chilli and Lily....and practice WILL make perfect I'm sure
Anyway, before this turns into a book, I'll stop here and go explore the rest of the site
Gill xxx