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PoshPuss's Avatar
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17-08-2010, 08:22 AM   #1

Tuesday troubles

No trouble really just finding time management this week a problem. Trying to get everything ship shape before we pop off to Plymouth on Thursday for a few days. Have several appointments booked and need cover for Ceri, plus have Tom during his mum's work time so have to fit in my visits to nail bar & hairdresser around them. Have one of Ceri's mates coming here today to sit with him while I go shopping, then my parents stepping in for my lunch with my ex-colleague.

Now Posh has gone very quiet on me, she was sick/vomiting last night, just clear fluid and has been very quiet and not herself this morning, all composed and insular. Not flat out sleepy but sitting on the floor and all tucked up and eyes shut, contemplative no miaowing, not bothered by food, mmm, will watch her but may contact vet anyway. Try and fit it in tomorrow if I can

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17-08-2010, 10:23 AM   #2

Re: Tuesday troubles


Morning PP, hope Posh turns out fine maybe eaten too much grass. Enjoy the day.
Got the nurse at 12ish, then bit of shoping or shopping before not sure which way to go depends I suppose on how quick I move. Nothing else doing its overcast here and raining on and off.

Had omlette and salad for dinner yesterday not sure what to have today....decide when I get to the shops may go for fish if there is some that catches my eye.

Have a lovely day all.

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calismum's Avatar
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17-08-2010, 12:32 PM   #3

Re: Tuesday troubles

Morning all, hope you manage to fit in all your tasks before your trip PP. Hope also that Posh picks up, is she sensitive to the change around her? Just wondered if she knows you are planning to go away.

Kazz, I hope you find something nice for dinner - fish sounds good.

I'm off to pick up Cali from my friends today. She's been spoiled by the sounds of things - chicken for dinner last night - she'll not be happy with her usual then Going to treat friend to a nice meal as a thankyou, so looking forward to that. Spent the morning clearing out chooks. Babies are getting so big - 9 weeks old now. Having lunch and then going to do some garden work.

Enjoy the day peeps.

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angieh's Avatar
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17-08-2010, 02:40 PM   #4

Re: Tuesday troubles

Afternoon all! Nasty wet grey day here - that drizzly stuff that just gets you wet! Although having said that both Pip and Harley are out in it ......... Kizzy, sensible girl is snuggled up catching up on her beauty sleep!

Ian is out playing golf!

We have made a batch of rich tomato sauce this morning after I had picked two large bowls of tomatoes yesterday afternoon. Just waiting for it to cool before freezing down. Now doing some housework type chores.

MIL and I will be having salmon with pasta and pesto sauce tonight, so fish does sound just right!

Sorry to hear that Posh isn't tickedy-boo. I bet she's picked up that you are deserting her for a few days. How could you PP??? Seriously, I do hope she perks up very soon. Enjoy your dinner out tonight CM - bet you've glad to have Cali back. Need more photos of those little chooks when you have a moment CM please!

Have a good day all - keep dry if you can.

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17-08-2010, 04:34 PM   #5

Re: Tuesday troubles

Hi, all. Lovely morning now, 29 C (83 F), sun and a nice breeze, The t'storms missed the City yesterday, thank goodness. Tomorrow is supposed to be all day steady rain so did two days worth of errands so I can stay in and dry tomorrow.

Kizzy is a sensible girl, Angie, to stay in out of the rain! Tomato sauce sounds lovely; were those Romas you used? PP, sorry Posh is a bit under the weather, could she have eaten something outside? CM, enjoy the dinner, and yes, chook pics, please! Kazz, hope you fund some nice fish!

Enjoy the day!

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angieh's Avatar
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17-08-2010, 04:38 PM   #6

Re: Tuesday troubles

A funny thing ............

MIL started getting anxious that her attachment had been taken! I could feel the ire rising in my chest as I tried to work out what the hell her "attachment" could be. She demanded I go and see ........ we went to her chair in the lounge. It's not there ..... what's an attachment - you've got your glasses, do you mean a bag??? The thing you put your bits and pieces in at the office ......... a briefcase? Yes, a briefcase - it's not there. Somebody's taken it. There's no-one here mother, except you and me. You can search me if you like (ire mounting now) You don't have a briefcase. I walked out ........... counting 1-2-3 etc.

Some time later, I was pondering. I don't know if this is the answer...... the last time I had seen MIL sitting in her chair was when OH went to say goodbye as he was going out. MIL had Kizzy sitting on her lap. Kizzy was dozing off and MIL was stroking her - both happy. Some while later, MIL had had to get up to go to the loo and, presumably, Kizzy had got off her lap. Was MIL therefore missing the warmth and weight of Kizzy on her lap and did she turn into a briefcase???? I will never be sure, but I feel better anyway having a reasonable explanation for what happened.

Don't tell Kizzy that MIL thought she was a briefcase though!!!

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17-08-2010, 05:01 PM   #7

Re: Tuesday troubles

A Brief(case) Encounter for Kizzy and your MIL
Posh still very quiet and subdued. Not eaten either or drunk much. Has wee'd in her litter tray but not passed any motions. Has mooched around outside and had some fresh air but not up on the roof, just not herself She doesn't normally get upset at the thought of us going, anyway mam and dad are going to be here with her. Wonder if I should check her out with the vet, but she has no symptoms now. I checked her temp, normal, her lips and tongue are ok, breathing slow & regular as she sleeps now. Just having an off day I guess.

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17-08-2010, 08:10 PM   #8

Re: Tuesday troubles

hi, all. nothing much going on here today yet. 81 degrees. it got to 95 again yesterday so hopefully it'll just stay in the 80s like they've predicted.
k still hasn't gotten a chance to fix the battery issue in my car (he installed a new stereo and ever since the battery is completely drained every time i come back to it so i think it all just needs to be disconnected, would rather have my car than music).
solomon needs his last set of boosters this week. it is just on a walk in basis for those. i'm hoping to bring him today or tomorrow so i can beat the crowds.
feeling kind of tired today so likely won't do much of anything exciting. may see if k is up for a grocery run as we are getting low on a few things for the humans in this house. naturally i'm all stocked on cat food but i've forgotten myself again
hope you all have a good one

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angieh's Avatar
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17-08-2010, 08:15 PM   #9

Re: Tuesday troubles

Originally Posted by PoshPuss
A Brief(case) Encounter for Kizzy and your MIL
Posh still very quiet and subdued. Not eaten either or drunk much. Has wee'd in her litter tray but not passed any motions. Has mooched around outside and had some fresh air but not up on the roof, just not herself She doesn't normally get upset at the thought of us going, anyway mam and dad are going to be here with her. Wonder if I should check her out with the vet, but she has no symptoms now. I checked her temp, normal, her lips and tongue are ok, breathing slow & regular as she sleeps now. Just having an off day I guess.

OH has just come home and understood what she meant straight away - an attache case! I've never moved in those sort of circles! He liked my idea of Kizzy being the case, either brief(ly) or attached!!!

PP - I do hope Posh has just had an "off day". They sometimes do.

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dandysmom's Avatar
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17-08-2010, 08:21 PM   #10

Re: Tuesday troubles

Your MIL is really losing it, isn't she, Angie? That is so sad.

Hope Posh will be better tomorrow. PP.

Get some people food in, Tink! Bet Solomon will enchant everyone at the vet, such a personality boy!

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