Hello ladies!!
Monday afternoon and im just finishing up my lunch to go back to work. WFH today so the girls got their lunchtime walk which is always nice.
Busy weekend. Had Robyn's training class on Saturday where she did well, just need to still work on her lead work as she isnt great!! We were trailing yesterday and after her off day on Thursday she absolutely smashed 2 long trails over 650m!! We also must have been in the only bit of the central belt that didnt have rain as it stayed dry for us but my friends who were trailing elsewhere got soaked and it was raining where i stay as well. Going to help my neighbour tonight get our wee bit ready for halloween. We have slimmed it down this year and not decorating the tunnel. Too much work for a week day and there were apparently complaints last year!!
Dinky how are you feeling? I do hope you are continuing to feel better. Was Janna back at work today? How was your weekend with Oren and PEarl?
Shelley thats a shame you didnt get to the caravan but completely understand the stress that goes along with a female being in season!! Glad to hear your dad and Rueben are doing well
I must get back to work.
Have a lovely evening