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25-03-2011, 04:49 PM   #1

OMG!!! Today I met....

The most dispicable human being. I had been walking some dogs along a disused railway track, on taking the dogs home in the van, I turned onto a narrow road where an old woman was lying in the middle of the street.
Needless to say I put my hazzards on, stopped the van and began to walk towards the woman, another man was walking past in a suit, I called over for him to help me and he said he was in a hurry and kept walking
However, another gent came to help. She was bleeding from her head and her hands and legs were cut and blleding also.
Her car was sat with the drivers door open, we got her up and into the car. I called for an ambulance while the other chap got a cloth and held it to her head wound.
Turned out, and I'm sorry but I did laugh about this later, she had been ran over by her own car. Dont ask how, the poor woman was 85 years old. She wasnt concussed or confused but was taken to hospital to be checked over properly.
I cannt resist a bit of black humour and when she told me what happened I said to her, "I wasnt sure whether to finnish you off when I saw you lying in the road or set the dogs on you" She laughed a fair bit at that tbh.

But SHAME on that man who was too bloody busy to help a fellow human being in distress. I was apalled and disgusted by him.

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25-03-2011, 05:03 PM   #2

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

How nasty was that man sometimes people astonish me by their self-centredness. Well done you for your Good Samaritan act, good job that she got help quickly, how on earth did that accident happen? I hope the "busy" man is never in the position to need help from others and have to watch them pass by. Shame on him! Let's hope he didn't see the woman's injuries and just thought it was something like a simple breakdown. Hope she's ok.

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25-03-2011, 05:08 PM   #3

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

Well done for helping Elaine. It's sad the world we live in when people are in too much of a rush to help someone!

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alexgirl73's Avatar
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25-03-2011, 05:08 PM   #4

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

The callousness of people never fails to shock me, even though it is becoming more commonplace. Well done you Elaine and I hope the lady makes a full recovery. Will you be checking on her to see how she is?

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25-03-2011, 05:17 PM   #5

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

I didnt think to ask about being able to contact to make sure she was going to be ok in all honesty. I just kept talking and trying to take her mind off it and keep her company till the paramedics arrived. I did wait until they had sorted her and made her comfortable in the ambulance. Now I'm thinking that I have been unthinking, I should have asked if there was any one she wanted me to contact. ******! I just didnt think.
I'm a terrible good samaratin

The accident happened as she was leaving a small carpark, her car was an automatic and she said that it just stopped moving, so she got out, not sure why or what she intended to do but then she told me that the car began to move and hit her, throwing her out onto the road, which is when I arrived.....
The chap who came to help then moved the car and we sat her in it to wait for the ambulance.

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25-03-2011, 05:21 PM   #6

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

Good for you Elaine and for the chap who stopped, the chap who walked on by.......no real words.
Fancy being run over by your own car. Hope she will be okay sure she will.

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angieh's Avatar
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25-03-2011, 05:28 PM   #7

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

When you hear about these sort of accidents don't they always involve automatics?

Poor lady, she must have been in shock quite apart from her injuries. Well done Elaine - I expect the medics would have contacted her next of kin for her, probably better they did that and part of standard procedures I think.

That man .............. some people just can't get involved. I think it's fear.

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Elaine's Avatar
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25-03-2011, 05:33 PM   #8

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

Originally Posted by angieh
That man .............. some people just can't get involved. I think it's fear.
I think it's down right selfishness, and should anything like that ever happen to him I hope he is killed with kindness and shame, not litterally killed you understand. My humour aint that black...

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25-03-2011, 05:38 PM   #9

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

I think I meant fear of contact with another human being.

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25-03-2011, 06:34 PM   #10

Re: OMG!!! Today I met....

`thats shocking that the man was "too busy" How would he feel if it was him in that situation!! Well done Elaine on stopping to help, i do hope she will be ok

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