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janey83's Avatar
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21-03-2007, 06:39 PM   #1

This has been the worst year...

Hey just thought id start a thread about every ones worst years n what made them the worst (if ya can remember it)

For me it is this year, everything is just going wrong.
In 3 months all this has happend...

Jan 12th - My nan died

Jan 20th - My grandad had a heart attack, survived (brought on by his wife dieing). Stayed in till mid Feb.

Feb - Tigger was not well at all

March 4th - Tigger died

March 5th - My neighbour died

March 6th - Got Tiggers ashes back (which was good)

March 7th - My grandad got took back into hospital with suspected appendicitis, but cant operate coz he's to weak, so he's on antibiotics.

March 19th - My fave Gecko lizard at college died, she got squashed by a rock in her vivarium tank.

Just hope everything gets better from now.

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CathyW's Avatar
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21-03-2007, 07:37 PM   #2

Re: This has been the worst year...

year 2000
lost custody of my daughter
my grandkids taken into care, then adopted.
my father died.
all in 1 year, almost had a breakdown

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smudgley's Avatar
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21-03-2007, 08:20 PM   #3

Re: This has been the worst year...

Well never had a bad year as such, but went through a very difficult time a few years ago all in a few months. It must have beeen in 2000 or 2001

My husband was made redundant from a very good job at a company he'd been with for years.

3 weeks later we had a major restructure within my workplace & although some peoples jobs were thought to be at risk, mine was thought to be one of the safest there..... got called in to an office with a HR bimbo to be told my job was redundant.

At the very same time, 2 of my close friends who were in managerial roles were suspended form work for 3 weeks ....under allegations & were frog marched off the premises. ... 12 months later, and a very stressful ordeal including interviews for all staff...& then a court battle, they both settled for a large payout & have never been on site since... a very sad state of affairs, that was handled appaulingly.... 2 people who had worked all their life for a company to be treated like that.

I am a very happy / jolly person & I never get stressed, but going through all of this at work was extremely difficult.

I was redeployed & started a different job at the same place, but didn't know for 8 weeks where my career was going, or how my mortgage would be paid.

My husband was out of work for a year, but then got a job which he is still doing. he's on about half was he was earing before, but he has no hassle & stress like he did before & he's much happier here, you know what - it says a lot when you love your work & money isn't everything!

I guess it all turned out ok, my new job was more money & I have a company car & work flexi hours.
My hubby loves his job.
My 1 friend moved his family over to America & manages a Guide Dog school over there, so he's done really well for himself.
My other friend ahs had 2 children, which I'm not too sure she would have done if she's have continued with her career as it was.

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21-03-2007, 09:15 PM   #4

Re: This has been the worst year...

1998 was not a good year - my Dad died in the January. But that was balanced by my getting married in September.

Worst year has to be 2000, had an ectopic pregnancy after months of fertility drugs and had to have a tube removed. Told that my already slim chances of conception were reduced even less. Problem was it kind of 'put my head above the parapet' at work as someone who was trying for kids . . . and being the only female manager (which wasn't viewed very well anyway), I got the 'pay off' and given my marching orders.

Still - 2 kids later it proved the docs wrong didn't it!!

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