Hi guys I apologise for not being online for so long but I have had exams and then went straight on holiday for 2 weeks what a wonderful time.
I have just started a new job so things are settling down and I am waiting for my results!!!
Anyway Neo was neutered on monday and coped fantastically he apparently woke up straight away wasn't at all sleepy and purred his head off. Obviously the whole surgery fell in love with him and wanted to take him home! lol I never get fed up of being told he is gorgeous.
Lily is huge now and will be being neutered in the next couple of months to. She is the most beautiful Ragdoll know I am biased but she is. Her kitten days are over and she is becoming a very special cat.
Trinity is Trinity very happy that the two younger ones entertain themselves and she can sit on the window sill and watch. She has gained a bit of weight while I have been away so my focus now is to bring her back down to a good weight.
If you want to see picture let me know and I will post some up soon.