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Almost a Veteran Member
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16-11-2024, 05:22 AM   #1

Saturday Daily.

Good morning/afternoon ladies,
Saturday around 4:30pm here and I'm soooo pleased to see that Catsey is still up and running. I've been trying to log in to the forums for the past few days but couldn't do so as a message kept coming up that the site had moved and I really thought that Catsey had been taken down. I just clicked on it now and am thrilled that I can now access it. I don't know what was going on, - perhaps it was something to do with my computer. Anyway all is well now.

I'm doing OK. I had more x-rays last Thursday but don't know the results yet. Going to my physio on Tuesday but I don't think there is much point continuing to go back after then, as I can do all the exercises with my eyes closed. I'll see what my physio says anyway and be guided by him.

Cats are all OK but I haven't had them shaved yet as we seem to be having a run of bad weather at the moment and I worry about them getting cold. Snoddy wasn't that good a year ago when he was last shaved and he spent about a week shivering and shuddering. I don't want to see him go through that again I'm going to wait until closer to xmas and hopefully it'll be warmer then. We've had some lovely weather lately too, so I don't know where this cold spell is coming from. Hopefully it will be short-lived. Listen to me - I moan about the heat AND I moan about the cold. Some people are never satisfied.

Mary, my sister is coming for tea tonight. I cooked some mint rissoles this morning and have made a chocolate mousse with mangoes for dessert. We'll watch a couple of episodes of Wycliffe before she goes home.

PAMELA, I bet you enjoyed your days off last week. It sounds as if you were busy .though. I hope your dad had a fun time in Thailand and arrived back safely. Hopefully he'll be at home for Christmas. You'll be busy with Hamish tonight .Yes, Robyn will be thrilled to have another mate to run around with. How does Mia get on with Hamish?

SHELLEY, sorry that you've got a cold - hope you are feeling a lot better now. That torchlight tour around a stately house sounds interesting. I bet you both enjoyed it. Fancy Malaiki having a birthday on New Years Eve I hope you do something to celebrate . AND I bet you're pleased to be back in your old work building again. Good to be in familiar surroundings. Sorry that your dad can't bring Jet at Christmas, but it's much safer not to, especially if Kwame is likely to be reactive. Better to be safe than sorry, I think.

Well ladies, I'm off to sort out tea. I hope you both have a lovely weekend and find some time to relax . I'm so pleased that Catsey is still going. I felt as if I had lost an old friend when I was unable to log on and it was .horrible. I don't know what we'll do when the site is finally taken down. Hopefully we'll be able to access a sealed section for Catsey members on the other site, whatever that is.

Enjoy your weekend, Pamela and Shelley.

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Location: Cumbernauld, scotland
Posts: 3,961
16-11-2024, 10:10 AM   #2

Re: Saturday Daily.

Good morning ladies,

Maggie i am glad you got on. I was just loading my laptop up to tell you how to sort it as Shelley and mine done the same but my wonderful IT guru husband got it sorted which i passed on!! If it happens again let me know and i will get you back on.

Last time Hamish stayed i had to sleep in my spare room with him on the bed as he wouldnt settle and i had Skye hitting the door as she wanted to be with me as well so was a night of very little sleep!! Tonight we are putting him in his crate in the kitchen with the girls and see how he goes. Cant leave him out of it as he would just pester Robyn all night. He stays away from Mia as he knows she wont tolerate his nonsense!! Robyn will love having her playmate over though!! the 2 of them are soo good together even if it is chaos!!

Been not too bad with work although i did have to work on late on Thursday as an urgent request came through for 110 IT requests to be put through so i did them for my manager. He is really good when you help him out, it only took me an hour yesterday but i got told to finish at 130pm yesterday instead of 430pm which was nice!! I went to Tesco for a wander about and picked up the gift sets for the older niece and nephews and the nieces boyfriend for christmas. I am pretty organised this year!! I only really have Stevens to get which i know what i am getting him and my dad. We know what we are getting the 2 younger ones and Stevens sister is not going to be happy!! We are getting the youngest a drum kit and the older one a keyboard we saw them in the toy shop and i decided thats what they are getting haha. We are going to Stevens mums for Christmas dinner and his older sister with Hamish is coming as well and we are taking the girls so there will be 4 dogs running about!! Going to be a fun day!! We will go see my dad and sister in the morning as always.

I dont think my sister and i are doing gifts this year as we are going to Blackpool for the night at the end of the month for the night. My niece is coming too and now so is her boyfriend so i am now having to share a room with my sister never mind! Its only one night.

Edited to add my lovely husband has just booked tickets for tomorrow night to go see the corrs!! Cant wait!! Love them!! Wanted to see them for soo long!

Dinky, nice to see you posting! I hope the x-rays come back with good results!! I would agree about the physio but maybe just cut it down to every 4 weeks so they can see the progress you are making? We are the same with the weather, never happy!! We apparently have snow forecast on Monday but it will be hype about nothing as always. Glad the cars are doing ok, i would be the same as you and holding back especially after Snoddy being cold the last time. I hope you enjoy your dinner with your sister! I will reply to your email probably tomorrow night after Hamish has went home as i wont get peace once he is here!!

Shelley i hope your feeling better. The torchlight tour would have been good, i hope it stayed dry for you. I didnt realise Malaika birthday was new years eve.

I spoke to Az (well via message) and he has said there will be a bit for us only. WIll see what happens. I will be sad when the forum goes. Ive been a member for 14 years since we first got my darling Harris. Shelley i imagine you have been a member longer than that.

Talking of Harris, we were watching tiktok videos this morning and there was one of cats pulling down christmas tress or stealing teh baubles and it made me a bit sad as Harris used to do all that and it was soo funny. He hadnt pulled the tree down though since he was a kitten. It will be our first christmas without his nonsense

Have a lovely weekend ladies

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