Some B*****D has hacked into and hijacked my emails and all info and contacts i have stored there.
This has all come about while i was online earlier, I received 4 emails from ebay about an item I am selling, I am not nor have I ever sold anything on ebay.
I was advised to shut down and change all my passwords but I kinda made a muck up of that bit and have lost my account.
We think the hacker got there before me and changed the password for me.
Pretty worried about it all.
I dont want to alarm any one but it may be a good idea, if I have e-mailed you, that you change your passwords too.
I dont have a great understanding of these things so just want to warn you.
I have opened a new email account for now, so if any one wants they can pm me and i'll give it to you.
This also means i dont have any of your email addresses now so you can all relax in the knowledge that you wont get any more crap jokes off me ever again