Thank you angieh, such kind words. I do miss my Mitzi bossing us around!
She was doing so well until one day she got a blockage and couldn't keep even her broth down without having very nasty and frightening coughing fits, each time I half expected her to die in my arms. She otherwise was fine and so very much wanted to eat, it wasn't fair on her. I tried anti-hairball meds, everything, and with her not being able to swallow she could no longer take her thyroid pills in any form. I didn't want to put her through any investigation to see what the blockage was, she wouldn't have made it and would have just got weak and miserable. So while she was still blissfully unaware and before she inevitably went downhill I called the vet out. Put the phone down twice before asking tho, hardest thing. She was on her favourite cushion in the lounge and passed over peacefully with me giving her her usual night time routine of a gentle head massage to sleep, her head dropped slowly in my hand while I said my goodbyes and told her what a brave girl she was, and she slipped away.
Sad as it was I really couldn't have wished for a more peaceful passing over for my girl, and the vet was very good at allowing us that time alone together while she passed.
Funny thing is for a few nights after this I definitely heard scratching around the litter tray (as was her usual nightly routine as soon as I got into bed). I thought maybe it might have been a spider..but none found when I cleaned up. We were close, my little girl and I.
(There I go with the long postings again, sorry)